what do you call a white guy living in a trailer
saltine cracker
how much does an xbox series s cost
what is the capital of croatia
who let the dog out
roo roo roo roo
what do you call a yellow person that knows karate
choo choo train
what is the slogan of the nintendo ds
touching is good
what country has the largest population
wht was the germany doing in 1936-1945
erase europe
what do you call a walmart customer support representative
what is the company that made xbox
what continent is the nile river located in
bonus: name the countries
Bonus: Egypt and Sudan
where is the germany
what do you call a chocolate cookie living on the side of the road
bonus question (200): what do you say when they act up
bonus: stop resisting
what is the best video game
its obviously nickelodeon battle strike racers spongebob deluxe ultimate 100
what is the powerhouse of the cell
what is the germany
best country
what do you call a antibeef person in a plane in the sky
allah akbaur
what is the best video game company'
double points if you name the console
bonus: gamecube
do you like deviled egg
hell no
recite the song Erika