Kaplan Methods
Surprise me!
The math strategy that you would use for this problem: If x is a positive integer, which of the following must be negative? A) 2x B) 2 - x C) x - 2x
What is picking numbers?
3 & 4, if a & b = (a^2 - b)/a
What is 5/3?
The Kaplan method for planning essay and the most important thing to have in an essay.
What is 5 minutes for prompt and plan, 18 for write and 2 for proofread. The most important thing is specific and relevant examples.
Fill in the blanks: ___ is more important than ____.
What is "why" and "what?"
Rephrase sentence, if necessary: My having of ice-cream should not affect your watching of TV.
What is "My having of ice-cream should not affect your watching of TV."
The Kaplan Method for Math
What is 1) What's the problem? 2) What information am I given? 3) What strategy will I use? 4) Am I done?
The shape that is your best friend on the SAT
What is the right triangle?
a) BETWEEN the two students, b) WHO were both c) GIFTED orators, Maya was d) THE BEST DEBATER. NO ERROR.
What is "d - the best debater?"
The meaning of "realize" in the following sentence: Mary finally realized her goal of becoming an academic when she completed her 295-paged dissertation.
What is "achieved?" (or other synonyms).
The remaining length of a right triangle with the hypotenuse of 8 and a leg of 4.
What is 4root3?
The math strategy I would use here: The sum of consecutive integers from -34 to n, inclusive, is 108. What is the value of n? A) 73 B) 53 C) 37
What is backsolving?
Find z, if the average of 2z, 15 and 17 is 24.
What is z = 20.
a) THAT the young and so-called novice actress b) WON the award c) FLABBERGASTED no one who d) HAD previously watched her independent works. NO ERROR.
What is "no error?"
Because Cady Heron planned to usurp Regina George's title as "queen bee," _______ was _________. (A) reconciliation . . assured (B) warfare . . avoidable (C) ruination . . impossible (D) conflict . . inevitable (E) diplomacy . . simple
What is (D) conflict . . inevitable
The procedure for dealing with paired passages.
What is "Read and answer the questions for passage 1 first, then passage 2, and then answer the questions for both passages" or something similar.
The Kaplan Method for Passages
What is 1. Read the passage, creating a passage map. 2. Examine question stem 3. Predict an answer and match prediction with answer choice 4. Long passages, passage first. Short passages, questions first.
Find ratio of a:c, if ratio of a:b = 1:2 and ratio of b:c = 4:3
What is 2:3?
Correct the sentence if there is an error: "Seemingly laughing to himself, the podcast amused James as he listened through his headphones during the ride home."
What is "Seemingly laughing to himself, James was amused by the podcast, as he listened through his headphones during the ride home?" or potentially other correct variations.
The function of mentioning that The Hunger Games is PG-13: "This is the Hunger Games movie that the first one failed to be, as dire and punishing as Collins' books often are. While it wouldn't be accurate to call it uncompromising — the necessity of its PG-13 makes that impossible — Lawrence works around the necessary compromises without letting them undermine the film. The series may never get better than this, but it's clearly in the right hands now."
What is "the rating does not make possible for unflinching portrayal of the story" or something similar?
Simplify this expression: (x^4 - 11x^2 + 28)/(x^4 - 7)
What is (x^4 - 4)?
Kaplan methods for Improving Sentences and Paragraphs AND Identifying Sentence Errors
What is IS/IP: 1. Identify issue 2. Plug in remaining ans choices, choosing the most CLEAR, CONCISE AND CORRECT choice ISE 1. Check each underlined portion systematically to identify error. 2. If no error, select E.
The area of wrapping paper if it wraps exactly 2 times around a roll with a radius of 2 and a height of 12
What is 96pi?
Jane, who (a) HAS NOT seen Mary since high school, (b) JUMPED at the chance of meeting up (c) AFTER (d) SHE FINISHED work. NO ERROR.
What is HAS NOT and SHE?
Of course, I'm not upset. I only waited in the rain for two hours for you and ended up getting a cold, but seriously, don't worry about me. You obviously had better things to do. I get it, I really do. What are at least two inferences you can make from this passage?
What is - the speaker and the person s/he was addressing had plans that the addressee betrayed - the speaker is upset with the addressee for betraying the plans and also upset about getting sick - the speaker was waiting outside for some reason - the speaker's tone is sarcastic
Correct the sentence if necessary: Neither a feel-good movie nor Veronica's famous cookies were enough to cheer up Michelle.
What is "Neither a feel-good movie nor Veronica's famous cookies was enough to cheer up Michelle?"