She grew up in the city of Erlangen, located in this European country.
She was born in this city of Texas
After computing the product of two 13-digit numbers, she earned a spot in the 1982 edition of this magazine.
Guinness Book of World Records
In addition to mathematics, she also made massive contributions to this other field of inquiry.
Rice University
In addition to mathematics, she was also avid in studying this pseudoscience that relates human affairs to movement and positions of celestial bodies.
International Mathematics Olympiad
David Hilbert invited Emmy to the Mathematics department at this university, named after the city in which it is located.
Partial Differential Equations
Her work at Exxon focused on the development of seismic imaging tools for exploring ____ and ____ reservoirs
oil, gas
She once computed the ___rd root of 201-digit number in 50 seconds.
First female to receive a _____ ______
Fields medal
At the expense of her own career, she would allow colleagues and students to receive credit for her work and contributions to this field of mathematics.
abstract algebra
Karl Weierstrass
Even when not working at Exxon, her work involved developing _____________ ________ for wave propagation in underwater acoustics.
She was born in this city in Karnataka, India.
A lot of her work on hyperbolic surfaces involved finding the shortest path between two points, which is called a ______.
Her work in 'Equations with Prescribed Group' attempted to assess and answer this still unsolved problem in mathematics.
Inverse Galois problem
In 1884 she joined the editorial board of this mathematical journal founded in Sweden.
Acta Mathematica
The title of her doctoral thesis was "Domain Decomposition for Two-Dimensional Elliptic Operators on Vector and Parallel ______"
Unlike most mathematicians, she had written a book whose message was for there to be an end to the decriminalization of __________.
She graduated with her Ph.D from Harvard with her dissertation: 'Simple Geodesics on Hyperbolic Surfaces and Volume of the ______ Space of Curves'