Number of Schools that Axis Partners with.
What is 35 Schools?
What is Student Placement Program, Educator Placement Program, DEIA Professional Development and Accreditation Program?
Axis students served to date.
What is 139 students?
The name of the AI Software that Axis is developing.
What is Axia?
Cohort 3's Acceptance Rate.
What is 98%?
Name 3 signature events that are a part of the Axis Student Placement Program.
What is the Information Sessions, Kindergarten Assessment, Axis Orientation/ Partner School Fair, Collaboration Sessions, Financial Aid Workshops, Interview Exposure Event, Test Preparation, Decision Day Event, Cohort Cookout?
The Cost-Per-Student to take a student through the Axis Student Placement Program.
What is about $8k ($8,374)?
Axis' Mission.
What is - “Axis partners with Los Angeles area independent schools to create pathways for underrepresented students and families of color to access, navigate, and thrive in private education?"
Average Cohort 3 Financial Aid Applicant Award.
What is about $36k? ($36,249)?
Name of the Partner School that Axis Piloted our DEIA Accreditation Program.
What is the Waverly School?