When do axolotls come up to the surface for air?
Only when they aren't getting enough oxygen, which is very rare.
Do axolotls live underwater for their entire life?
Yes, they do.
How will starting or joining an axolotl conservation group help save the axolotls?
You (or the owners of the group) can donate all they money collected to Lake Xochimilco to provide better care for the axolotls.
How is overfishing affecting the axolotls?
Axolotls are on menus for dinner, and fishermen have to catch them now.
Do axolotls have eyelids?
No, they do not have eyelids.
Can the axolotls regenerate their lungs?
Yes, they can.
What will the axolotls eat?
They will eat basically anything they can catch.
(so be afraid)
(be VERY afraid)
How will telling other people about the axolotls save them?
More people will know about how cute and cool the axolotls are, and will want to save them!
How is habitat loss affecting the axolotls?
Mexico has had large portions of Lake Xochimilco drained and destroyed.
Are axolotls amphibians or reptiles?
DAILY DOUBLE! If you answer this question correctly, you get DOUBLE the points!
Can axolotls regenerate their heart?
Yes, they can!
What is the one place the axolotls live?
Lake Xochimilco, which connects to the canal of Mexico.
How will it save the axolotls to vote for politicians who know that wildlife conservation is a priority?
They'll know why it's important to save creatures such as the axolotls.
How many axolotls are left in the world?
Only around 1,000 axolotls are left in the world! :-C
Name a few colors of the axolotls.
Black, brown, white, and pink.
Can axolotls regenerate their brain?
Yes, they can.
What kind of water do the axolotls live in?
Brackish water, a mix between salt water and fresh water.
How will taking a trip to Lake Xochimilco help save the axolotls?
You can ask if they have any plans to save the axolotls!
How are invasive species affecting the axolotls?
Perch, tilapia, etc. have been eating the axolotls food, and their eggs.
Do axolotls change how they look as they grow up?
No, they look like babies their entire life.
What can the axolotls breathe through, other than their gills?
They can also breathe through their skin.
How many natural habitats do the axolotls have?
Only one.
How will not using plastic grocery bags help save the axolotls?
Plastic is very harmful to the environment, and the axolotls and other aquatic animals especially.
How is water pollution affecting the axolotls?
Because they can breathe through their skin, axolotls are easy targets for toxic gases in the water.
What is another name for the axolotl?
Mexican salamander