The three objects
What are
To bind its members with a tie of true and lasting friendship.
To strive for the advancement of chemistry both as a science and as a profession.
To aid its members by every honorable means in the attainment of their ambitions as chemists throughout their mortal lives.
We are a colony of
What is UCLA?
This active member knows how to use an abacus
Who is Elise? (we think)
Brother Craney's hair used to be this color
What is red?
This member of the chem department just spent a week on a comic-on cruise
Who is Jill?
The national chapter was founded in
What is 1902?
We were founded in
When is 1954?
This active brother has been in AXS the longest?
Who is Sarah?
Brother Craney is from
Where is puget sound?
This chem prof has a Brittany spear's obsession
Who is Navarro?
The frat flower
what is a Red Carnation?
We were re-established in
When is 2013?
This active member is a black belt in karate
Who is Kiana?
This professional brother is the Pokemon club advisor
Who is Jeff?
This chem professor played a lot of super smash bros and beer bong in their undergrad
Who is Vik?
National's "slogan"
What is "help a brother out"?
We have _______ total axes (a number)
What is too many to count
Active members "bet" on this competition every spring?
What is Iditarod?
This professional member walked in on another professional member using the Mosher bathroom
Who are brother Caroline A. and brother Chris Craney?
This much money is being spent on the Mosher remodel
What is $25 million? (allegedly)
The first official Greek organization to be co-ed
What is Alpha Chi Sigma?
We are on frat probation because
What is nobody went to the national conclave...
These two active members went to one year of high school together
Who are brother Eleanor and brother Ilana?
The names of all of brother Doug's pets
Who are Thelma, Louise, Breezy, Pepper, Oz, and Loaf/Bunny?
This oxy student set their lab on fire last summer
Who is Sannath?