This Bible book is the largest.
What is Psalms?
To whom do the titles “the Alpha and the Omega” and “the First and the Last” refer?
Who is the Lord?
When Joseph was imprisoned, he interpreted the dreams of these 2 men.
Who were the king’s chief baker and the chief cupbearer? (Genesis 40:1-3)
Minor prophet who prophesied that Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem.
Who was Micah?
Body of water where the apostles went fishing.
What is the Sea of Galilee?
God inspired this many men to write the Bible.
What is 40?
The first FAITHFUL worshiper of God (accounted in Genesis)
Who was Abel?
How many people did God "preserve alive" during the flood of Noah's time? Men? Women? Children?
8; Noah & Wife, Their 3 sons & their son's 3 wives
First prophesy of the Bible.
And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. (Genesis 3:15) (Curse on the Devil after Adam and Eve disobey)
Prosperous city Abram and Sarai left behind.
What is Ur?
There are 12 books referred as "minor prophets"... Name 6 of them.
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
Fill in the Blank: High Priest Eli at first suspected that ___ had overindulged in wine and was drunk.
Who was Hannah?
Name three instances in the New Testament record where God is reported as speaking audibly to humans.
(1) At the time of Jesus’ baptism, when God said: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.” (2) At Jesus’ transfiguration, with the apostles Peter, James, and John present, when virtually the same words were uttered. (3) Shortly before Jesus’ last Passover, when, responding to Jesus’ request that God glorify his name, a voice from heaven said: “I both glorified it and will glorify it again.” (John 12:28)
Jacob’s fourth son by his wife Leah. In his deathbed prophecy, Jacob foretold that a great and lasting ruler would come from this son's family line.
Who is Judah?
Location where Jesus told the apostles about the end of the system of things.
What is the Mount of Olives?
God's name occurs mostly in the Old Testament. However what BOOK does it appear in the most ?
PSALMS - 780 times! Jeremiah - 729 Deuteronomy - 552 Isaiah - 480 Ezekiel - 441
Enjoyed a life span of 969 years, the longest of Bible record, and one that has become proverbial for longevity.
Who was Methuselah?
After the flood, why did mankind begin to build a tower "with its top in the heavens" ?
What is to "build a city for ourselves and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a CELEBRATED NAME for ourselves, so that we will not be SCATTERED over the entire face of the earth”?
Revelation mentions a "Wild Beast", however Daniel describes this "Wild Beast". What "4 huge beasts" are mentioned in Daniel?
a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a fearsome beast with big teeth of iron. (Daniel 7:2-7)
A mountain that's also known as Mount Horeb.
What is Mount Sinai?
God's name is not mentioned in these two books.
What is Esther and Song of Solomon?
First king in the Bible. (Having God's favor or not)
NIMROD, a descendant of Ham, was the first human king of Bible record. He ruled over a kingdom that included several cities in Mesopotamia. He was a rebel against God's sovereignty.—Ge 10:6, 8-10.
Replaced Judas after his betrayal.
Who was Matthias?
The Bible prophecies relating to WHO'S conquest of Babylon foretold that its rivers would be dried up and its gates left unshut, that there would be a sudden invasion of the city and a lack of resistance on the part of Babylon’s soldiers.
Who is Cyrus the Great?
The location where Solomon built the temple.
What is Mount Moriah?