What was the trade of the apostle Paul?
Acts 18:3
Who was responsible for raising Esther after her parents had died?
Esther 2:5-7
How many stones were set up as a memorial to the LORD for bringing the children of Israel across the Jordan on dry ground?
Joshua 4:9
What title of God expresses the close, loving relationship between a child and his father?
Romans 8:15
Whose name will the Son of God confess before the Father?
He who overcomes
Revelation 3:5
Whom did the Queen of the South travel to see?
Matthew 12:42
What queen of Persia was replaced by Esther?
Esther 2:17
Who was cast at the gate of his city and covered with stones?
King of Ai
Joshua 8:29
What is called `the light of the body`?
The eye
Luke 11:34
Who beheld the Son of Man walking in the midst of seven lampstands?
Revelation 1:1-13
Who deserted Paul because he loved this world?
2 Timothy 4:10
Who was offered the position of third ruler of the Babylonian kingdom?
Daniel 5:12-16
The inhabitants of what city deceived Joshua and Israel by dressing up in old garments?
Joshua 9
What does the word `Lucifer` mean?
Day star
Isaiah 14:12
The two witnesses of Revelation 11 are said to be `the two olive trees, and the two _______ standing before the God of the earth.`
Revelation 11:3-4
In Revelation, how did the dragon try to kill the woman?
by spewing water after her
Revelation 12:15
What was Shadrach's Jewish name?
Daniel 1:7
When Joshua and the children of Israel entered the promised land, how many cities made peace with Israel, rather than fight?
Joshua 11:19
The word `matrix` is another name for what?
The womb
Exodus 13:15
The mother of harlots` rode upon a seven-headed beast. What do the beast's seven heads signify?
7 mountains
Revelation 17:8-9
To which tribe did the prophetess Anna, who saw the baby Jesus, belong?
Luke 2:36
What king of Persia decreed that the priests and Levites should be exempt from paying `toll, tribute, or custom`?
Ezra 7:21-24
Which of the following tribes had their inheritance east of the Jordan River?
Joshua 13:8
`Zoan` was used in the book of Isaiah as a synonym for what nation?
Isaiah 19:11-13
What happened in the beast's kingdom when the vial of God's wrath was poured out on the throne of the beast?
It was filled with darkness
Revelation 16:10