The three step process that we use to assess emergency situations, alert emergency personnel and provide help to a person that is experiencing a life-threatening event.
Check, Call, Care
Check the scene for safety (obtain an initial impression, put on PPE if available), check the victim for responsiveness using tap and shout method (10 second observation for breathing, life-threatening bleeding.)
Identify someone to Call 911(ask them to put them on speaker and to bring the phone close to you so you can communicate with the 911 operator) if the victim is unresponsive, identify someone to retrieve an AED if one is present on site.
Provide care (CPR, Life threatening bleeding, choking, general sudden illness etc.)
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Infant CPR consist of how many compressions and breaths?
30 compressions 2 breaths
Applying butter or mustard and some Vaseline is just as effective as applying cool water and a loose bandage when treating a burn.
Myth: Cool water to stop the burning and covering a burn with a loose bandage will help keep the area clean while it heals.
I'm sorry but Grandma was wrong :-(
Demonstrate the correct method to use when removing protective gloves after use.
Hand washing and using personal protective equipment.
The number of compressions and breaths given to complete one cycle of CPR.
30 compressions, 2 breaths
True or False:
When giving breaths to an infant during CPR you must cover their nose and mouth with your mouth while tilting the head back.
Fact or Myth:
You do not have to give breaths during CPR, Compressions alone will improve a person's chances of survival.
Remember: Breaths are optional
Demonstrate how to check for responsiveness in an infant.
Tap the baby on the foot and call its name.
A life-threatening allergic reaction that can cause shock and affect a person's ability to breathe.
What is anaphylaxis.
Bonus: How do we treat this condition?
In order to ensure CPR can be effective you must ensure that the person is....
Lying on their back on a firm surface.
True or False:
When a small child is choking it is best practice to give the child something to drink to see if they can wash it down before providing care.
Kneel and Apply 5 back blows and 5 j-shaped thrusts repeatedly until object is ejected.
When caring for a person who is choking, you should always sweep the mouth with your pinky to clear debris from the person's mouth no matter what.
You should ONLY sweep for debris when you can visibly see an object in the persons mouth. Doing a blind sweep can cause you to push objects further in a person's mouth prolonging choking.
Demonstrate how to apply direct pressure when administering treatment for Life threatening bleeding.
Hand over hand, shoulders over hands, press hard
A type of wound that can be caused by contact with heat, chemicals, radiation and electricity.
What is a Burn.
Bonus: Burns that require immediate medical attention include:
Kneeling, hands positioned in the center of the chest, shoulders directly over hands, elbows locked is a description of....
Body position when giving chest compressions.
True or False:
When doing CPR on a child, compression should be at least 2 inches deep.
Infants: 1.5 inches deep.
Fact or Myth:
CPR is only effective if you do it while using an AED.
CPR is effective in increasing a person's chances of living regardless of the presence of an AED.
Demonstrate how back blows should be done when assisting someone who is choking.
Support person while bending them forward, use palm of hand to strike the middle of the back 5 times.
Turning a person who is unresponsive but breathing or responsive but not fully awake onto their side to lower the risk of choking and aspiration.
Recovery positioning
Remember to do these things to ensure that you are giving breaths correctly during CRP. (3)
-Tilt the head back
-Pinch the nose
- Watch for chest rise and fall
True or False:
When checking for responsiveness in an infant you should stroke their cheek to see if they are awake.
Always check an infant for responsiveness by tapping their foot and calling their name.
Fact or Myth:
You cannot administer CPR on a person if they are not able to give consent to treatment.
When a person is unable to provide consent, or a parent is not present to give consent then consent is implied by law.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for CPR chest compressions on an infant.
Encircle hands around the baby's chest and use thumbs together to press 1.5 inches deep 30 x s
or two finger method.