A festival where boys dance NAKED
What is the Gymnopaedia?
Who is Herculaneum named after?
"Oh great heavens, it appears that I've shat myself."
What were Claudius' last words?
Who was Agrippina the Younger's Father?
Ms. Romeo, because she took photos of her when she wasn't looking.
Who is Estelle Lazer likely putting a restraining order on within the next 5 years?
The Eurotas
Which River was Sparta founded upon?
Who is in the horto?
Tiberius Gemellus
Who was Tiberius' heir and co-successor with Gaius?
Poison, stabbing, a roof and a boat.
What were the different ways in which Nero planned to have Agrippina the Younger killed?
Amyklai, Limnai, Kynosoura, Mesoa, Pitana
What were Sparta's original five villages called?
How is the Patron God of Pompeii?
Drusilla, Livilla and Agrippina
With whom did Gaius perform a devious incestual mischief?
Who did Agrippina place as Praetorian Prefect after dismissing Geta and Crispinus?
"You're not getting anything out of that book".
What is Keeney's catchphrase?
What name was given to the illegitimate children of Spartiates and helot women?
"I'm gonna go rescue some people in Pompeii by taking a nap".
What did Pliny the Elder contribute to the Pompeii rescue effort?
The "Quinquennium Neronis"
What are the early stages of Nero's reign called?
By declaring her birthday a day of ill-omen
How did Nero portray Agrippina as an absolute fool following her death?
By using a pigeon assassin
How does Ms. Brown plan to usurp Ms. Romeo?
The Arcadian Mountains
What is the Mountain Range to Sparta's North?
Giuseppe Fiorelli
Who first applied the plaster technique in Pompeii?
Whether he had "full command of his faculties"
What did Augustus say about Claudius? (According to Suetonius)
Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus
What was Agrippina's son called before "Nero"?
The F.C.B.
What is the best source for Pompeii and Herculaneum?