Area and Perimeter
The product of 903 and 18
The fourth grade grew bean plants. Alice’s plant was 2/3 of a meter tall. Juan’s plant was 3/4 of a meter tall. Whose plant was the tallest? Explain your answer.
Juan's plant was taller because 3/4 of a meter is greater than 2/3 of a meter.
What are parallel lines?
Two lines that will never intersect (cross).
Mrs. March is covering a wall in her classroom with fabric. The area of the wall she is covering is 108 square feet. The width of the wall is 9 feet. What is the length of the wall?
The length is 12 ft.
Write an algebraic rule that describes the pattern below? 1, 3, 2, 6, 5,15, 14 .....
a x 3 - 1
In September, Farm Valley Elementary students bought 16,792 lunches. In October they bought 19,905 school lunches. How many more school lunches did they buy in October?
3,113 lunches
Mrs. Lopez had 7/8 of a liter of orange juice before breakfast. After drinking some at breakfast she had 2/8 of a liter left. How much orange juice did she drink at breakfast?
5/8 of a liter of orange juice
What are perpendicular lines?
Two lines that intersect (cross).
Alice is building a fence around her wildflower garden. The perimeter of the fence is 24 feet. What is the length and width of the fenced garden?
6 and 6 5 and 7
Write an algebraic rule that describes the pattern below. 1, 4, 2, 8, 6, 24, 22 .....
a x 4 - 2
Each 4th grader at Oak Park School brought a 24 pack of colored pencils for art class. There are 58 kids in 4th grade. How many colored pencils did they bring in all?
3,132 colored pencils
Kent is doing an art project. For each project he needs 8 pieces of ribbon that are 2/3 of a foot long. How many feet of ribbon does he need in all? Express your answer as a mixed number.
5 1/3 ft.
How many sets of parallel lines does a rectangle have?
2 sets of parallel lines.
Ms. Heine's classroom has a length of 24ft and a width of 27ft. What is the area of the classroom?
648 ft squared
What is the pattern? 56, 28, 14, 7
Divide by 2
The baking club made 519 muffins to sell at a carnival. They put the muffins in boxes with 6 muffins per box. How many boxes of muffins fill in all?
86 boxes with R 3 muffins
. In Mrs. Sable’s class, the students are growing bean plants. Marcus’ grew 0.7 of a meter, Ellen’s grew 0.55 of a meter, and Sammy’s grew 0.48 of a meter. Whose grew the most?
Marcus' plant grew the most because 7 tenths is the same as 70 hundredths.
What is an obtuse angle?
An angle bigger than 90 degrees.
Ms. Heine's classroom has an area of 288 ft squared and the wall has a length of 16ft. What is the width of her classroom?
Input Output 3 12 6 24 9 36
The rule is multiply by 4.
There are 212 people going on the Camp Summer Fun camping trip. Each tent holds 6 people. How many tents are needed for everyone on the trip?
36 tents
Mrs. Smith bought two baskets of strawberries, that weighed 4 4/5 pounds combined. The baskets of strawberries each weighed a different amount. Name one possible weight of the original baskets of strawberries, that when combined they weigh 4 4/5 pounds.
3 2/5 + 1 2/5 3 3/5 + 1 1/5 4 1/5 + 3/5
What is an equilateral triangle?
A triangle with 3 equal sides.
Rhea drew a rectangle with an area of 32 cm² and a perimeter of 24 cm² She said that a rectangle with an area of 32 cm² will always have a perimeter of 24 cm² inches. Is she correct?
No she is not correct because 32 has many different factors that will add up to be a different perimeter such as 8 and 4 or 2 and 16.
Make a number pattern that starts with the number 2 where the number that follows is 2 times greater than the number before it. Continue the pattern until you have 6 numbers in the pattern.
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64