Aztec Maps
Lake Texcoco & Aztec Agriculture
Aztec Gods & Religion
Aztec Social Structure
European Contact with the Aztecs

What does this map show?

Aztec and Mayan Lands


Tenochtitlan was built on an ___________ on Lake Texcoco.



Name one example of things Aztec people would do to worship or honor their gods?

Make sacrifices of objects and at temples, engage in human sacrifice on occasion, and chants/prayers


Who was at the bottom of the Aztec social system?

Enslaved people or prisoners of war


What was the name of the Spanish Conquistador, or conquerer, who destroyed the Aztec empire?

Hernan Cortes


Which lake on this map was the most important to Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire?


What was the biggest reason why the Aztecs built Tenochtitlan on a lake?

The water provides natural defense against enemies.


Huitzilopochtli is the Aztec god of war and the sun. What, according to Aztec myth, is he believed to be the founder of?

Tenochtitlan, the capital city.


How were emperors or leaders often picked?

Emperors or leaders were usually picked by a group of people who determined that the person had divine, or god-like, qualities.


How did Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II react when meeting the Spanish for the first time?

He welcomed them into Tenochtitlan without a fight


Tenochtitlan is directly east of which Aztec city?


What was the Aztec word for the "floating gardens" that were used in Tenochtitlan for food?



Quetzalcoatl is the god of the wind, life, and intelligence. Often depicted as a snake with wings and feathers, what does his name mean?

"Feathered Serpent"


Name TWO of the three types of people who were in the "Noble" category of Aztec society.

Government leaders, military leaders, and religious leaders.


What three goals did the Spanish have for their expedition to Aztec lands?

The pursuit of gold, the pursuit of new land for Spain, and the desire to convert Indigenous people to Christianity.


Which ruler is responsible for controlling the area where Tenochtitlan is? Hint: The key on the left shows what rulers added which lands to the Aztec Empire.


How were Aztec "floating gardens" built?

Platforms were built into shallow parts of the lakebed so that food could grow with mud as fertilizer.


The Aztec god Mictlantecuhtli is often associated with owls, spiders, bats, and the direction south. What is he the god of/ruler of?

He is the god of death and ruler of the Underworld.


Farmers, craftspeople, and merchants were a part of what class in Aztec society?

Commoners (the middle part of the pyramid)


During their first visit to Tenochtitlan, what did the Spanish do to Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II after destroying some sacred statues?

They arrested and killed him.