This is where the Aztec lived.
What is Central Mexico
This is where the Maya lived.
What is Yukatan Peninsula, Belize, Honduras
Each of the three cultures worshipped many of these
What is gods?
These two cultures lived in the same area, but never met each other.
Who were Maya and Aztec
This is the time period in which the Aztec lived.
What is from 1325-1521 CE?
This is the time period in which the Maya lived.
What is from 1000 BCE - 900 CE?
This empire existed in modern day Mexico. They built canals, used pointed sticks to plant seeds, and hunted wild animals for food. They lived from around 1200-1500AD.
Who were the Aztec?
This culture lived in what is now Mexico, Belize, and a few other countries. They invented a ballgame perhaps similar to our game of basketball. They lived around 1000BCE to 900CE.
Who were the Maya?
The Aztec thought this man was one of their gods when he arrived. He eventually took over the Aztec empire.
Who is Hernan Cortez?
The staple crop of these cultures. Please also explain why it was important.
What is maize or corn? It was their go-to crop. They were able to grow it easily and use it in many ways.
This is a formal name for a Spanish conqueror. They were cruel and harsh with the native people.
What is conquistador?
This is how the Maya empire ended.
What is the Maya disappeared. Their record-keeping stopped, they abandoned their cities. Possible that Spanish influence with disease - not known.
Name three contributions of the Aztec culture.
What are calendar, patolli, canals, chocolate as currency, stone statues, weavers, codices (place to record history), causeways, aqueducts, chinampas
Name three contributions of the Inca Empire.
What are suspension bridges, 2,000 miles of road, sundials, quipu, Cuzco, gold art,
Pick three words that only go with the Inca empire. (besides the word Inca)
What are: Machu Picchu, Atahualpa, Francisco Pizarro, quipu, suspension bridges, roads, Sapa Inca
Name 4 words that would go with all three cultures.
What are: gods, calendar, disease, astronomy, human sacrifice