What did the Aztecs use as a tool for farming that resembled a floating garden?
What was the Aztec's most powerful weapon?
What did the Aztecs call themselves?
What would you call the Aztec's religion?
What country did the conquistadors come from?
What did the Aztecs use to transport things throughout the city of Tenochtitlan?
What was the primary goal of the Aztec warriors when battling other tribes?
To take captives for sacrifice.
Why did the Aztecs decide to settle in Tenochtitlan?
They saw an eagle eating a snake on a prickly peart cactus.
What did the Aztecs believe would give the gods energy to make the sunrise and different seasons?
Bloodletting and/or sacrifices.
Who was the Spanish leader that conquered the Aztecs?
Hernan Cortes.
What was a popular game that the Aztecs played?
Ullamaliztli (ball game).
When Aztec boys went to school, they would learn...
Basic fighting skills and military strategies while practicing with clubs and spears.
What was the disease that killed about 40% of the Aztecs?
Where were sacrifices most commonly practiced?
Temples on top of pyramids.
Why did the Spanish want to conquer the Aztecs?
1. They wanted to take over the Aztec's large and beautiful city (Tenochtitlan).
2. They wanted the Aztec's gold (they were given gold, but wanted more).
What would girls learn when they went to school?
Household skills (cooking and sewing), religous history/traditions, and singing/dancing.
What would Aztec soldiers use to decorate their shields?
Colorful feathers.
How did Montezuma II die?
What was the role of priests in Aztec society?
They organized/lead religious ceremonies and festivals.
Why did the Aztecs greet the Spanish so kindly and welcome them into their city with gifts?
They believed that Cortes was the god, Quetzalcoatl.
What was the order of the Aztec's social hierarchy?
1. Royal Family
2. Nobles/Priests
3. Commoners
4. Peasants
5. Slaves
6. Captives
What were the three sections of the military called?
Order of the...
1. Order of the Arrow
2. Order of the Eagle
3. Order of the Jaguar
What language did the Aztecs speak?
What was Quetzalcoatl the god of?
How did Cortes and the Spanish justify conquering the Aztecs?
They wanted to spread and enforce their religion.