Result of Contact
Aztec Worldviews
Spanish Technology
Aztec Technology
Spanish Worldview

How were the Aztecs affected by the Spanish worldview?

The Aztecs were affected by the Spanish worldview because they were forced to convert to Christianity which was the Spanish's "Source of Ethical Wisdom."



What were the Aztecs' sources of Ethical wisdom?

The Aztecs' sources of Ethical wisdom were the many gods that they had for example Huitzilopochtli who encouraged the Aztecs to leave the ancestral homeland and settle in the Valley of Mexico.



Find the description of a crossbow in Chapter 10 of the textbook.

Page 223: A crossbow could shoot a wooden arrow with such force that it would penetrate even the thickest armor.



What was the main weapon for the Aztec soldier?

The war club



What parts of the Spanish worldview caused them to want to expand the Spanish empire?

The good life: The Spanish believed that the good life was being rich and wealthy and having a lot of power, therefore, they expanded to other countries in search of gold and luxuries and more land to rule over. Sources of Ethical Wisdom: The Spanish's source of ethical wisdom was God and they believed that they needed to spread the word of God so they decided to expand in order to spread their religion.



When and why did the Aztecs come into contact with the Spanish?

The Aztecs came into contact with the Spanish in the year 1519 when the Cortes went to Central America on an expedition in search for gold for King and Queen Ferdinand.



What was considered the good life?

The good life to the Aztecs was striving to make their city better and improving their city. Everyone was required to go to school in order to contribute to the growth of the tribe.



A halberd was over ___________ long and had a spear blade, an axe point, and a hook.

A halberd was over two meters long and had a spear blade, an axe, and a hook.



How did the Aztecs use a wooden spear? in textbook on page 223

They would try to get in close and thrust the spear at the unprotected areas, such as the eyes or the throat



What was considered the good life in the Spanish worldview?

In the Spanish worldview, being rich and wealthy was considered the good life.



How were the Spanish affected by the Aztecs?

The Spanish saw that the Aztecs thought they were Gods and treated that way by presenting them with great gifts such as gold. These actions made the Spanish more greedy for Gold.



What was the Aztecs' reasons for sacrificing people?

The Aztecs' reason for sacrificing people was that the blood of the sacrificial victims nourished the gods and without it the gods would grow sick and die.



What material was Spanish armor made of?

Spanish armor was made of steel.



A war club could ___ ___ ___ ___, but shattered against very hard surfaces like___ ___? In textbook on page 223

cut like a knife and Spanish armor



What were the Spanish's source of ethical wisdom?

The Spanish and majority of Europe followed Christianity and their source of ethical wisdom was obviously God.



When worldviews collide, how does one culture come to dominate another? Does cultural contact have to lead to conflict?

One will come to dominate in another because one will usually have more advanced technologies than the other or stronger armies. Cultural contact doesn't always have to lead to conflict but many times, the different cultures will have different views on things causing them to disagree with each other and have conflict. Other times, one culture will completely submit to the other culture from the beginning eliminating very much conflict.



How did the Aztecs' worldview influence their decisions and customs?

There are many example of this but the main one would be their Sources of Ethical Wisdom: Since they believed that if they didn't sacrifice to the gods, the gods and themselves would die therefore they constantly sacrificed people. They also believed that killing during war was wasting sacrifices so they tried not to kill humans during war.



What Spanish weapon would be compared to the Aztecs' wooden spear?

A halberd was the weapon that could be compared to the Aztec's wooden spear.



What weapon allowed the Aztec soldiers to throw a short spear a great distance? in textbook on page 223

The wooden spear



King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella went to great lengths to convert Europe to Christianity, what does this show about theirs and the Spanish's thoughts about human nature?

The fact that the King and Queen went to such great lengths, shows that they believe humans who are Christian and follow Christianity are good while those who follow other religions are not.



In what ways did the differing worldviews of the Spanish and the Aztecs lead to one group dominating the other?

There are many examples of this but one of the main examples that led to the Spanish dominating the Aztecs would be the fact that the Aztecs did not want to kill humans during war because they thought it was a waste. Therefore, they did not try to kill but merely capture allowing the Spanish a greater advantage. This is part of the Aztecs Sources of Ethical Wisdom.



How can the Aztecs' worldview be described before their contact with the Spanish?

Before the Spanish arrived, the Aztec worldview was based mostly around their Gods and their responsibility to them.



How did factors, such as technology and disease, help the Spanish dominate the Aztec civilization?

These factors helped the Spanish dominate because the Aztecs did not have the weapons to beat the Aztec technology. They also did not have immunities to the Spanish diseases, so many were wiped out.



Why did the Aztecs loose the battles between the Spanish and the Aztecs?

They lost because their technology was less advanced than the Spanish, there weapons were not powerful enough to penetrate the Spanish armor



Did the Spanish believe in equality with others?

The Spanish had a hierarchy in which they had different social classes ruled by a king and queen therefore not everyone was equal with eachother.