The First Year
Terrific Twos
Preschool Years (3-5 Years)
General Language Development Review
This is the age at which children typically produce their first word.
What is twelve months?

The systematic and rule-governed speech patterns that characterize speech, ex: syllable structure changes, assimilation.

What are phonological processes?


This is the children’s sensitivity to the sound structure of words.

What is phonological awareness?

This is the term used to describe children who have a slow start in language use.

What is Late Language Emergence/Late Talker?


This is the speech adults use in communicative situations with young language learners.

What is Infant-Directed Speech/Motherese/Baby Talk?


The process by which children use words in an overly general manner. For example, referring to all adult women as "mommy."

What is Overgeneralization/Overextension?


At this age, children can produce 4-5 word sentences.

What is 36 months/three years?


This is simultaneous engagement of two or more individuals in mental focus on a single external object of attention.

What is joint attention?


This is an example of an early vocalization. It includes sounds of discomfort and distress (crying, fussing) and vegetative sounds such as burping, coughing, and sneezing.

What are reflexive sounds?


Whereby toddlers use words to refer to only a subset of possible referents. For example, using "book" to label the hardcover book on the child's bookshelf, not all books.

What is Underextension?


This is the ability to view language as an object of attention.

What is Metalinguistic Ability?


These are considered to be the "building blocks" of language.

What are morphology, phonology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics?


These are the different types of syllables infants produce.

What are canonical babbling, reduplicated babbling, and nonreduplicated babbling/vareigated babbling?


These are gestures such as holding a fist to the ear to indicate telephone, pretending to go to sleep, or waving the hand to indicate bye-bye.

What are Referential Gestures?


_____ to _____ year olds generally show only minimal difficulties with a few of the later-developing phonemes (/r/, /l/, /s/, /sh/, etc.).

What are four to five year olds?


This is a concept in B. F. Skinner’s behaviorist theory that describes how behaviors are shaped by responses to the behaviors. The result is that behaviors that are reinforced become stronger and those that are punished become suppressed.

What is Operant Conditioning?


At this age, children begin to look in the correct place for an object that has fallen out of sight and look for partially hidden objects. 

What is 6 months?


Toddlers begin using two-word phrases during this time.

What is 20-24 months?


A child’s spoken or written description of a real or fictional event from the past, the present, or the future.

What is a narrative?


This is a concept in Vygotskian theory that describes the difference between a child’s actual developmental level (determined through independent problem solving) and his or her potential developmental level (determined through problem solving in collaboration with a more competent adult or peer).

What is Zone of Proximal Development?