The first 10 amendments of the Constitution
What is the Bill of Rights
Resolved the dispute between states with larger populations and states with smaller populations
What is the Great Compromise
To approve
What is ratification
Means two houses
What is Bicameral
The house that provides for two representatives for each state.
What is the Senate
Power is divided between a central government and smaller, regional governments
What is federalism
"Father of the United States Constitution."
Who was James Madison
Believed in ratification of the Constitution
Who were federalists
Means one house
What is Unicameral
The house that is based on population
What is the House of Representatives
He believed in individual rights and his opposition to the federal government having too much power.
Who was George Mason
Responsible for making laws.
What is the legislative branch
Essays and articles in favor of ratifying the Constitution
What were the Federalist Papers
Plan that favored large states
What is the Virginia Plan
What plan provides a:
Bicameral Legislature and a strong Executive Branch
What is the Virginia Plan
Responsible for interpreting and applying the law. It is made up of courts and judges.
What is the Judicial branch
Changes or additions to a constitution
What are amendments
Law in Virginia that stopped taxing what church you attended
What was the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
Meeting that founding fathers held in order to write a Constitution
What was the Constitutional Convention
Group that
Desired strong central government
Liked balance of powers in Constitution
Who were the Federalists
People have the ultimate authority over their government
What is popular sovereignty
Determined how enslaved people would be counted for purposes of representation
What was the 3/5ths Compromise
Pseudonym for Hamilton, Jay, and Madison
Who was Publius
System that ensures no branch has more power than the other
What is checks and balances
What plan
raised money to pay debts.
provided for surveying and dividing western lands.
Land was split into townships.
What was the Land Ordinance of