What are the two chambers of congress
House and Senate
What court is the only court the constitution created ?
supreme court
In what ways does the president act as the commander in chief?
Enforcing federal laws
How many parts is the constitution divided into?
Nine parts
What is a plaintiff ?
In a civil case , this is the person who sues another
If the senate wants to expel a member, how many senators have to agree ?
2/3s vote
What is the job of the court of appeals ?
Reviews a case
How many terms can one president serve?
Two-- four year terms
What branch does the president represent ?
Executive branch
What is a defendent ?
The person who is being sued or accused of a crime
How old do you need to be , to serve in the senate ?
30 years old
What makes it so hard to take a case to the supreme court ?
They choose what cases they take in
What is it called when the president rejects a bill ?
How many senators are there in the US senate ?
What is a petitioner ?
The losing party who asks a higher court to review their case and the decisions made by the lower court
Who makes the rules for how the house and senate do their jobs ?
they make their own rules
What are the two types of legal cases ?
Civil and criminal
Every president is assigned to lead the u.s army , what are they called ?
Commander in chief
What is the term for members of the house of representatives?
Two years
What is a respondent ?
The party against whom a petition for appeal is filed
Who runs the senate ?
the president
What are the three levels of courts in the system ?
Supreme court cercuit and district
Who is the person called that gets elected with the president called ?
Vice president
What was added to the constitution that wasn't already in the constitution?
The bill of rights
What is a prosecution ?
In a criminal case , this is the goverment attorney who argues that a person is giltuy of the crime