This is the total number of hours 8th graders are required to complete for their community service.
30 hours
What expectation asks you to think about how your actions show the person you want to be?
"Legacy Through Action"
What is volunteering really about?
Giving your time, energy, and talents to help others
Why is it important to keep a log of your service hours?
To stay organized and show responsibility
When will service hour check-ins happen?
once a month 😀
The theme of this year’s service is about the lasting impact you leave behind.
What is "Legacy: How Do You Want to Be Remembered?"
What kind of projects should you choose to make your legacy strong?
Projects that make a positive difference
Why do you volunteer?
To make a difference
How should you behave while volunteering to make it enjoyable and show you care?
answers will vary
What will you do at the end of the year to share your experiences?
a reflection or presentation
Community service gives students the chance to give back, grow, and leave this behind for their school and community.
What is a positive legacy?
What two traits should you show to inspire others during your service?
kindness and leadership
What is an example of a small action that can still make a big impact?
Answers will vary
What does it mean to serve others selflessly?
Helping others without expecting anything in return
What is your reflection going to be about?
The legacy we want to leave behind
The purpose of service is not just about hours but about being part of this.
Being involved, doing it for the good of others, brings joy to help others, it's something that unites...etc.
How is your legacy shaped?
By making positive changes
What does volunteering help you do as a person?
Grow and learn about yourself and others
How should you treat others when working as a team during your service?
With respect, kindness, with empathy, etc.,
When should service hours be done by?
Before we leave for Memphis