Emission and diffusion of rays of heat
Procedure for suspension and resumption of play
Any strike inside of 10 miles, 30-minute pause in play. Restarts every strike inside of 10 miles.
means to reduce fever
The second of the healing phases in when the body is beginning to build the infrastructure necessary for the injured sight to recover.
Fibroblastic Phase
inability of the cardiovascular system to maintain adequate circulation to all parts of the body.
hypovolemic shock
a body temperature over 104 F
a life-threatening condition created when there is a low concentration of sodium in the blood due to overconsumption of fluids and not enough sodium intake or extreme sodium loss.
Complete healing whereby dead cells and cellular debris are removed, and the tissue is left functionally the same.
The third healing phase in which the body is completing the process of recovery and tissue is beginning to be formed according to how it will be used.
Remodeling Phase
what is the first thing you do when arriving at a scene to tend to an athlete
Sizing up the scene upon arrival is very critical to keep yourself and others safe ex- Weather, other games/athletes
a condition in which red blood cells are shaped like a “sickle”, which causes decreased blood flow and eventually leads to breakdown of muscle tissue.
Sickle cell trait
involves generalized fatigue, hypotension, and cardiovascular insufficiency that occurs during exercise when heavily sweating, hypohydration, and elevated core body temperature occurs.
Heat Exhaustion
Damaged tissue is replaced by cells of the same type along the scar tissue, but the tissue retains most of its original structure
you should always assume an unconscious patient has suffered what kind of injuries
the creation of heat by various methods.
Excessive heat buildup, with core temperature over 104F in the body, resulting in the body’s inability to cool itself quickly, which may cause organs to malfunction.
Original tissue is replaced by scar tissue or repaired tissue.
the act of feeling with the hands for the purpose of determining the structural integrity of the tissue beneath.
the inflammatory phase lasts how long
2-4 min
Process of losing body water through sweating, diarrhea, respiration, and vomiting.
treatment for Hyponatremia
Immediate IV fluids to balance sodium levels
The first of the healing phases in which the body is responding to the threat of infection while trying to assess and contain the original injury.
Inflammation Phase
An acute, life-threatening condition that involves the body’s failure to maintain adequate circulation to vital organs.
the perception of an unpleasant feeling associated with tissue damage