Healthy Hobbies
Fables & Story Telling
Busy Scheduling Rest
Worth the Risk

What are four healthy practices?





Ex. horseback riding, biking, walking, sleeping 86-8 hours, eating veggies, etc. 


A short story used to teach a moral lesson is called a(n) _______. It is usually not realistic.



John may be sleeping at 8:30.  

Give a reason why.

a. His schedule says he is sleeping. 

b. I can see that he is sleeping.

c. His schedule says relax before bedtime at 8:00. 

c.  It's a possibility, but not for sure when you say "may".


I have not studied abroad.  I haven't read an English chapter book. 

 That means you haven't done __________. 

a. either

b. neither

c. both

a. either


I think using fables to teach moral lessons is  _____________________ using personal stories. They have the same amount of effectiveness. We should use both.

a. effective the same like

b. more effective than

c. less effective than

d. as effective as

d. as effective as


What is Crossfit?

It's a sport or activity that requires movement and strength. 


Summarize what this line from You are Beautiful as You Are means:

 "It's foolish to try and be what you're not. Learn to love the feathers you've got!"

(Remember this is the story where the crow added peacock feathers to himself to be more beautiful.)

Ex. Never be sad comparing yourself to others. Everyone has their own beauty and strength.


My schedule is completely booked with study sessions, reviews, and other things.  I can't even __________________ a haircut before finals!

a. squeeze on

b. hold in

c. squeeze in

d. put on

c. squeeze in


Have you been skydiving or hiked a tall mountain?

I have done _________, actually!   I hiked last year and I went skydiving two years ago!



Cats are usually ________________ dogs. 

a. as big as

b. as small as

c. not as big as

d. not big like 

c. not as big as.   

d could make sense, but it isn't grammatically correct.  This is an example of a comparison.


For most people, 6-8 hours is _____ sleep. It is the enough to remain healthy and energize your body and mind, but not too much to make your tired throughout the day.



Is the story below a fable?  

There was a time in my life where I was complacent and idle.  I didn't work much because I didn't really know what I wanted to do.  Then, one day, I just decided to do what was available.  I began to help my neighbor with her catering business and another friend with growing flowers to sell.  I was motivated to help and the energy I gained from putting my hands and mind to work helped me work on my own goals too!

No, it's a personal story. 


Read these sentences.  Use correct times like five til, five after, quarter til, a quarter after, half past, etc.

1. Mark eats breakfast at 7:15

2. Jills goes to work at 5:55.

3. Eric eats dinner at 6:30.

4. I take a nap at 2:45.

1. a quarter after seven

2. five til six

3. half past six

4. a quarter til three.


Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks: 

 plays it safe      worth the risk      plays with fire   takes a calculated risk

  1. “She always ________________ in her career choices. She never takes risks.”

  2. He ____________ every time he rides his bike on mountain trails.

  3. Studying abroad is _________________ because there is so much to gain!

  4. He will ___________________ if he starts smoking because it's a hard habit to break.

1. plays it sake

2. takes a calculated risk

3. worth the risk

4. plays with fire


Answer the question in a complete short answer:  

Have you ever been on a strict diet?

Yes, I have.   


No, I haven't.


Eating fruit, vegetables and protein is _______ an important life practice to stay healthy.  

a. too

b. so

c. enough

d. such

d. such


The Boy who Cried Wolf:

Retell this story.  What was the moral of the story?

A little boy was watching sheep and he yelled multiple times that there was a wolf so that the townspeople would come and help him.  They came, but realized he was lying.  Then, a wolf really did come and kill some sheep.  The boy yelled but nobody came to help because they thought he was lying again.  

Moral: Don't lie because even when you tell the truth, people won't believe you.  Your word won't be credible.


What do you do in your down time?  

(Answer without help from the teacher.  Can you remember what down time means?)

In my down time, I ....

Ex. read, scroll social media, create music, call a friend, etc. 


Describe a daredevil that you can admire. (It can be a real or made up person, but you must know what a daredevil is and describe that aspect of the person.)

I admire ________ because they are ______.   (Must describe how they take big risks and overcome fear.)


Change the sentence to use may, might, could, can't or must correctly: 

It is possible that the class is in room 502 today.   

The class might/may/could be in room 502 today. 

(NOT: must or can't)


Create a sentence related to health using "too".

Ex: Eating too much sugar is bad for your heart. 

Doing too little exercise isn't good for our body.  

You can never try too hard to be healthy.


What is the moral of this story?

Fox and the Goat

Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a well. He tried his level best to come out but all in vain. So, he had no other alternative but to remain there until the next morning. The next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw the fox there. The goat asked, “what are you doing there, Mr. Fox?”

The sly fox replied, “I came here to drink water. It is the best I have ever tasted. Come and see for yourself.” Without thinking even for a while, the goat jumped into the well, quenched her thirst and looked for a way to get out. But just like the fox, she also found herself helpless to come out.

Then the fox said, “I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs. I’ll climb on your head and get out. Then I shall help you come out too.” The goat was innocent enough to understand the shrewdness of the fox and did as the fox said and helped him get out of the well.

While walking away, the fox said, “Had you been intelligent enough, you would never have got in without seeing how to get out.”

Look before you leap. Don't just blindly walk into anything without thinking.


Tell me your daily schedule.  

Use at least 8 of these connector words: First, after, at last, before, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, then 

Ex. First I wake up at half past six, then I ....  After I shower I ....


What is something you would be willing to take a gamble on?

Studying abroad, taking the TOEFL, hiking Mount Everest, etc. 


Use the modal MUST in a sentence (Show context to understand meaning.)

He must eat dinner at 6 because he's washing the dishes at 6:20 after dinner.