characteristics of life
Prokaryotic Cells (Bacteria & Their Structure)
Eukaryotic Cells (Plant & Animal Cells)
Specialized Cells (Different Cell Types & Their Jobs)
Cells in the Body (Tissues, Organs & Systems)

how living things are different from non living things

living things exhibit the all 7 characteristics of life


What shape is the DNA in a bacterial cell?

Answer: Circular DNA


What part of the cell controls what happens inside it?

Answer: The nucleus.  


What do red blood cells do?

Answer: They carry oxygen around the body.


What is a tissue?

Answer: A group of similar cells that work together.


give two examples of changes in environment that living things can respond to as stimuli

  • light
  • sound
  • touch
  • temperature
  • chemicals.

What is the function of the cell wall in a bacterial cell?

Answer: It supports the cell and gives it shape.


Name two parts found in plant cells but not in animal cells.

Answer: Chloroplasts and a large vacuole.


How do root hair cells help plants take in more water?

Answer: They have long, thin extensions that absorb water better.


Give an example of an organ and the system it belongs to.

Answer: The heart is part of the circulatory system.


examples of movement in plants

growth towards light or the opening and closing of stomata for gas exchange.


Name two things that bacterial cells do not have but animal cells do.

Answer: A nucleus and mitochondria.


What do mitochondria do inside the cell?

Answer: They release energy from food.


What do cilia (tiny hairs) do in ciliated cells?

Answer: They move mucus out of the lungs.


How do cells in a tissue work together?

Answer: They all do the same job to help the tissue function properly.


the two types of reproduction and its main difference

asexual reproduction, which involves only one parent 

sexual reproduction,which needs two parents


What is the function of ribosomes in bacterial cells?

Answer: They make proteins for the cell.


Why do muscle cells have more mitochondria than skin cells?

Answer: Muscle cells need more energy because they help us move.


Why do sperm cells have lots of mitochondria?

Answer: They need lots of energy to swim to the egg.


What is the difference between an organ and an organ system?

Answer: An organ is made of tissues, and an organ system is made of organs working together.


the importance of nutrition in living organisms.

provides the raw materials and energy needed for growth, repair, and maintenance of the body.

 Nutrients from food are metabolized to produce energy, build tissues, and regulate physiological processes


How is DNA stored in a bacterial cell?

Answer: In a single circular loop in the cytoplasm, with extra DNA in plasmids.


What is the job of ribosomes, and where can they be found?

  • Answer: Ribosomes make proteins. They float in the cytoplasm.


How does a neurone (nerve cell) help send signals quickly?

Answer: It has a long shape to carry messages and a protective layer to speed them up.


What are the levels of organization in the body, from smallest to largest?

Cell → Tissue → Organ → Organ System → Organism.