PRESENT simple or continuous/question tag
PAST simple or continuous
FUTURE forms
Used to/I wish

Rewrite the sentences so that the positive sentences are negative and the negative ones are positive.

1. I’ll see you later.

2. My friends might call tonight.  

1. I won’t see you later. 

2.My friends might not call tonight.  


Complete the sentences with a word from the list in the present simple or continuous. 

get up | come | start | spend | meet run | take off 

1. I  _________ at 5am tomorrow to go to work. 

2. What time ________ the party _________? 

1. am getting up 

2. does; start 


Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or continuous. 

1. What _________ you _________ at 4pm? (do) 

2. I _________ three books last summer. (read) 

1. were; doing 

2. read 


Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.

1 We (move) house in March.

2 I think my brother (be) an actor when he grows up – he loves the theatre.

1. ’re/are going to move

2. will be


Rewrite the sentences using used to. 

1. I got up at 6am. ____________________________________ 

2. I didn’t like milk when I was a child. ____________________________________ 

1. I used to get up at 6am. 

2. I didn’t use to like milk when I was a child. 


Rewrite the sentences so that the positive sentences are negative and the negative ones are positive.

4. The sun will shine tomorrow. 

5. I may not have to do homework.

4. The sun won’t shine tomorrow. 

5. I may have to do homework.


Complete the sentences with a word from the list in the present simple or continuous. get up 

| come | start | spend | meet run | take off  

4. The group ____________ at 8pm tonight. 

5. They ____________ the marathon on Saturday.

4. meets 

5. are running 


Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or continuous. 

4. He _____________ TV when he __________ asleep. (watch; fall) 

5. I ____________ my best friend while I _______________ in New York. (meet; study) 

4. was watching; fell 

5. met; was studying 


Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.

3 We (go out) on Saturday night because it’s my birthday.

5 you (play) basketball after school today?

3 ’re/are going

5 Are ... playing


Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and a verb from the list.

be | sleep | do | not like | know | travel 

1. My cousin __________________ a teacher. 

2. We __________________ in every Saturday. 

1. used to be 

2. used to sleep 


2 Complete the sentences with if or will and one of the phrases below. 

go | not have | ask | need | set | be 

1. They’ll call _________ they _________ something. 

2. If she wants a snack, she _________.

1. if; need 

2. will ask


Write a question tag for each sentence. 

1. You’ve got a pet hamster, haven’t you? 

2. They aren’t having the picnic tomorrow, _________________? 

3. He’s been here before, _________________?

1. haven’t you? 

2. are they? 

3. hasn’t he?


Write one example for:

a positive, 

a negative,

a question in PAST SIMPLE.

3 sentences


What are the FOUR ways to talk about the future? And when/in which situations can we use them?

1. WILL/WON'T Future predictions

2. subj-GOING TO-infinitive Future plans or intentions

3. PRESENT CONTINUOUS Future arrangements

4. Present Simple Fixed future events


Rewrite the sentences using wish. 

1. I’m sad I have to go. 

I wish I _______________________ to go. 

2. I have too much work. 

I _______________________ so much work. 

3. I don’t see you enough. 

I ___________________________ you more. 

1. wish I didn’t have 

2. wish I didn’t have 

3. wish I saw


Rewrite the sentences using the word in the brackets

1. We’ll see him later. (might)

2. They are sure to meet this weekend. (will)  

1. We might see him later.

2. They will meet this weekend.


Write a question tag for each sentence.

5. I’ve locked the door, ___________________? 

Write responses to agree with the sentences using neither, nor or so 

4. I’m staying home for some peace and quiet. _________________. 

5. I was thinking about going to the library. _________________. 

6. I decided to go to the park. ______________.

5. haven’t I? 

4. So am I. 

5. So was I. 

6. So did I.  


Write one example for:

a positive, 

a negative,

a question in PAST CONTINUOUS.

3 sentences


Write one seentence using 

will or won't 

and one sentence with 

going to

2 sentences


Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and a verb from the list. 

be | sleep | do | not like | know | travel 

4. ___________ you ________________ her? 

5. I _______________________ reading novels. 

6. What ______ you _____________ in your free time?

4. Did; use to know 

5. didn’t use to like 

6. did; you use to do


Complete the sentences with if or unless. 

1. I won’t talk to you  ________  you are calmer. 

2. We’ll have to wait a lot when we get there _________ we take the bus. 

3. _________he doesn’t finish his dinner, he won’t have any cake.

1. unless 

2. unless 

3. If 


Correct the mistakes. 

1. The shops are opening at 10am. 


2. I think he’s being here soon. ____________________________________ 

3. A: I’m not sure what to do. B: So am I. ____________________________________ 

1. The shops open at 10am. 

2. I think he’ll be here soon. 

3. Neither / Nor am I. 


Write one sentence using both PAST SIMPLE and PAST CONTINUOUS.

 One sentence


Write one sentence using 

Present continuous 

and one sentence with

Present simple 

2 sentences


Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 

5. I didn’t use to _________________________ but now _____________________________. 

6. I wouldn’t be happy if ___________________ ____________________________________.

5. I didn’t use to eat healthily, but now I have a salad every day. 

6. I wouldn’t be happy if I failed my exams.