Tenses and Conditionals
Verbs and Modals
Communication and Writing
Describing Actions and Roles
Comparisons and Modifications

What tense is used to talk about actions that started in the past and continue to the present?

Present perfect continuous or present perfect.


What is the difference between dynamic and stative verbs?

Dynamic verbs describe actions that can start and stop, while stative verbs describe states or conditions that are constant.


Name one good employee quality that might be described in a job interview.

Punctuality, reliability, or teamwork.


Give one example of how to describe a job in English.

"I work as a software engineer, developing apps for mobile devices."


Create a sentence using “too.”

The coffee is too hot to drink.


Complete the sentence using a real conditional: "If it rains tomorrow, ____."

we will stay inside / I will take an umbrella.


Create a sentence using the modal verb for speculation in the past (e.g., might have).

She might have forgotten to call.


What is the correct tense for reported speech when the reporting verb is in the past?

The tense shifts back (e.g., present changes to past).


How would you describe preparing food in a restaurant setting?

"The chef carefully prepares each dish, paying attention to freshness and presentation."


How do you form a comparison using "enough"?

"He isn't tall enough to reach the top shelf."


What is the difference between “I was going to” and “I was supposed to”?

"I was going to" refers to something intended but not done, "I was supposed to" indicates something expected but not necessarily done.


Complete this sentence with a modal of past probability: "He ___ (leave) before you arrived."

He must have left before you arrived.


How would you apologize for a damaged product in a formal email?

"We apologize for the inconvenience and damage caused to your product."


What vocabulary can you use to describe work-life balance?

Terms like "flexibility," "stress management," and "time allocation."


Use "too much" in a sentence.

She spends too much time on her phone.


Create a sentence using the past unreal conditional.

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the test.


Use a modal verb to express obligation in the present.

You must wear a seatbelt while driving.


Create a sentence using an email in informal register.

"Hey, just wanted to let you know I won’t make it to the meeting tomorrow."


Describe a trend in fashion using vocabulary related to trends.

"Oversized jackets are trending right now, especially in streetwear."


Modify the sentence: "The house is big." (use "enough")

The house is big enough for a family of four.


What is the use of "wish" when talking about unreal past situations?

"Wish" is used to express regret or desire for something that didn’t happen in the past (e.g., "I wish I had studied harder").


Use the past passive in a sentence.

The cake was made by my sister.


What is the main difference between written and spoken communication?

Written communication is usually more formal and permanent, while spoken communication is more immediate and interactive.


How would you describe an accomplishment in a formal setting?

"I successfully led a project that resulted in a 20% increase in company revenue over six months."


Complete the sentence using "too" or "enough": "The suitcase is ____ heavy for me to carry."

The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry.