Phrasal Verbs
Fill in the Gap
Word Formation

Which doesn't belong: literature, philosophy, economics, love

love, the others are school subjects and love is an idea


Can you help me work ___ (in, up, out) this difficult maths problem?

Can you help me work out this difficult maths problem?


I don't have ___ (some, none, any) ink in my printer. Can I print my project at your house?

I don't have any ink in my printer. Can I print my project at your house?


The woman didn't think about her own safety as she ran into the burning building to save her neighbor. She was very ___. (HERO)

The woman didn't think about her own safety as she ran into the burning building to save her neighbor. She was very heroic


Some scientists ____ that humans will one day live forever inside machines. (predict, observe, investigate)

Some scientists predict that humans will one day live forever inside machines. 


When you have a problem with someone, it is best to: A. get away from them B. talk it over with them C. fall out with them. 

B. talk it over with them


If you don't get ___ sleep, there can be serious consequences. (too much, enough, many

If you don't get enough sleep, there can be serious consequences.


I'm ___ at cooking. No one likes my food. (HOPE) 

I'm hopeless at cooking. No one likes my food. 


You should always keep your ____ in case you need to return a product you purchased. (refund, currency, receipt) 

You should always keep your receipt in case you need to return a product you purchased. 


If you miss too much school, you will f_ _ _   b_ _ _ _ _ .

If you miss too much school, you will fall behind.


Complete with the correct preposition: The teacher was very proud ___ her students for working so hard during exam week. 

The teacher was very proud of her students for working so hard during exam week.


What is the difference between an EMPLOYEE and an EMPLOYER? 

An EMPLOYEE is the worker who is hired by the EMPLOYER, or the boss. 


R______ performing experiments in their l______ need to wear safety equipment at all times. 

Researchers performing experiments in their laboratories need to wear safety equipment at all times. 

Henry has been sad all week. Let's do something to ___ him __.

Henry has been sad all week. Let's do something to cheer him up.


There are many people ___ have never travelled abroad.

There are many people who have never travelled abroad.


Many people are starting to ___ (THINK) the belief that school is the only place where you develop ___ (INTELLIGENT). 

Many people are starting to rethink the belief that school is the only place where you develop intelligence


It's important to have a class on stress management in school, because some students aren't able to cope ___ their feelings. 

It's important to have a class on stress management in school, because some students aren't able to cope with their feelings.


Some/None/Any of the new after school programs seemed interesting, so I decided to volunteer at a charity instead. 

None of the new after school programs seemed interesting, so I decided to volunteer at a charity instead.  


Classes like cooking or first aid can help students develop their  ___ (CREATE) and be more ___ to other people (SENSE).

Classes like cooking or first aid can help students develop their creativity and be more sensitive to other people.