
I can't help you! I  ('m writing/write) an email to my bestie at the moment.

I can't help you! I'm writing an email to my bestie at the moment.


Name 5 rooms in a house.

bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, etc

Name 7 adverbs of frequency.

never, rarely, hardly ever, occasionally, sometimes, often, usually, always, etc.


Name parts of a face

forehead, cheek, chin, lips, eyes, nose

Name 10 items of furniture/appliances.

sofa, armchair, bed, coffee table, dining table, chair, microwave, dishwasher, washing machine, wardrobe, etc.


I'm a/the student.

I'm a student.


Name 10 free-time activities

playing football, dancing, playing tennis, hanging out with friends, going swimming, jogging, playing video games, watching TV, taking photos, playing a musical instrument, etc


What's the difference between the Present Simple and the Present Continuous? (present meanings)

Use the Present Simple to talk about:

 repeated habitual actions, something which is generally true and permanent, facts

Use the Present Continuous to talk about:

something happening now, a temporary situation, something happening around now but not necessarily at the moment.


Name some places in the wild

river, lake, forest, mountains, ocean, sea, desert, valley

Complete the sentences with a comparative or superlative form.

Sarah is a __________ swimmer__________ me. (good)

It is the _______________(delicious) food I've ever tried.

Sarah is a BETTER  swimmer THAN me. (good)

It is the MOST DELICIOUS food I've ever tried.


In 2014 there ____ the Olympic Games in Russia.

In 2014 there were the Olympic Games in Russia.


Name 10 holiday activities.

sightseeing, buying  souvenirs, visiting museums, visiting art galleries, going to the beach, snorkelling, swimming, sunbathing, eating out, hill-walking, cycling, etc.


Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

The phone ___________(ring) while I ________________(watch) TV. I _________(decide) not to answer because I ____________(want) to miss anything.

The phone RANG while I WAS WATCHING TV. I DECIDED not to answer because I DIDN'T WANT to miss anything.


Name some jobs

firefighter, builder, librarian, nurse, plumber, shop assistant, vet


Name 3 things you need to remember to take with you on the exam day.

Valid ID, statement of entry, pen, pencil, rubber


When I was ____ (go) to school, I_____ (meet) my classmates.

When I was going to school, I met my classmates.


Find the opposites for these adjectives

near     empty    cheap     clean    lively    beautiful    narrow    noisy

near/far   empty/full, crowded   cheap/expensive    clean/dirty   lively/dull   beautiful/ugly   narrow/wide   noisy/quiet


Correct any mistakes.

They hadn’t to pay. It was free.

I must to buy a present for my friend. It’s her birthday.

I had to queue for ages at the airport and almost missed my flight.

They DIDN'T HAVE TO pay. It was free.

I must buy a present for my friend. It’s her birthday.

I had to queue for ages at the airport and almost missed my flight.


name some adjectives for emotions

angry, afraid, sad, bored, lonely, excited, happy


Countable or uncountable?

luggage  wardrobe    information      microwave  furniture    advice    sofa   cushion

Countable: wardrobe, microwave, sofa, cushion

Uncountable: luggage, information, furniture, advice


There is/isn't any milk in the fridge.

There isn't any milk in the fridge.


Find phrasal verbs with these meanings.

have a good relationship with


 become an adult 


finish something that you need

take care of someone

get on with 

 find out 

 grow up 

 make up 

  run out of

look after


Describe the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple and give an example of each one.

Use Past Simple for completed past actions. The time is specified.

Use Present Perfect for general past experiences, we don't say when they happened.


name some nationalities

Japanese, Chinese, British, Spanish, Turkish, German, French, American...


Explain the difference between -ed and -ing adjectives and give examples.

-ed: describe how you feel (EFFECT)

-ing: describes the person or thing which causes the feeling (CAUSE).

I feel tirED because the gym is tirING.