I was swallowed by a great fish.
Who is Jonah?
Matthew 12:40
Where did Jesus perform his first miracle?
What is marriage of Cana of Galilee?
John 2:1-11
I lived to be 969 years old.
Who is Methuselah?
Genesis 5:27
What place did God deliver Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
What is a Fiery Furnace?
Daniel 3:26-27
Who is the mother of Ishamel?
Who is Haggar?
Genesis 16: 4-11
He climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus.
Who is Zacchaeus?
Luke 19:1-4
Jesus prayed in the garden right before is death
What is the garden of Gethsemane?
Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:32
We are to forgive a brother/sister who sins against us how many times?
What is 71 times 7?
Matthew 18:22
What kind of animal did God use to talk to Balaam?
What is a Donkey?
Numbers 22:22-34
This man was the first king of Israel
Who is King Saul?
1st Samuel 9:17, 10:1
Name two OLd Testament people who appeared when Jesus was transfigured
Who is Moses and Elijah?
Mark 9: 2-8
He bought Joseph when he was first taken to Egypt.
Who is Potipher?
Genesis 39:1
How old was Noah when he became a father?
What is 500 years old?
Genesis 5:32
What kind of tree did Jesus rebuke?
What is a Fig tree?
Mark 11:13-14
The ravens were bringing him bread and meat in the morning and evening.
Who is Elijah?
1st Kings 17:6
This was part of John the Baptist's regular diet ____ and wild honey.
What is a locust?
Mark 1:6 and Matthew 3:4
This is where the 10 commandments were given
What is Mount Sinai?
Exdosus 31:18
The span of our life is____?
What is 70 or 80 if one is especially strong?
Psalm 90:10
My tribe did not receive an inheritance of the land.
Who are the Levites?
Numbers 18:1, 2 & 20
She replaced Queen Vash'ti
Who is Queen Esther?
Esther 2:17
We died after lying to the Apostles about their offering.
Who is Anainais and Sapphiar?
Acts 5:1-10
Mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven
Where is Mount of Olives or Olivet?
Acts 1:9-12
How many me did Gideon take with him to battle?
What is 300?
Judges 7:7
God told Moses to make this for the people to look at and live when they were bitten by serpents in the wilderness.
What is a bronze serpent?
Numbers 21:9
He made an axe head swim
Who is Elisha?
2 Kings 6:1-6