Sustainability/care of the spheres
Fun Facts

What are we humans doing to damage our spheres?

Making climate change happen


Erosion can do what after a long time?

It can wear away entire mountains and produce spectacular landforms


What does the Sun do for Earth?

The sun gives us energy and when that energy comes down to earth its partially absorbed into different parts of the climate system making Earth habitable


A land that is used to grow plants for food and fibre:

What is Cropland?


What does climate help with for the spheres?

The climate is the state of the Earth's habitable environment and the interactions between spheres.


The ______  _______ is launched with the radiosonde twice daily at 11z and 23z.

What is a Weather Balloon?


What has the Greenhouse Affect done to Earth?

forced the planet to raise its surface temperature until the amount of heat radiated from the top of the absorbing layer is equal to the solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere.


What is a different way of saying the water cycle?

The Hydrologic cycle


How can we ensure that our use of land, water, and resources doesn't harm the variety of life on Earth?

To keep nature healthy, we should save where animals and plants live, use things carefully, switch to clean energy, farm in a way that's good for nature, tell people why it's important, and make rules to make sure everyone does it.


Name 5 tectonic plates:

North America plate, Juan De Fuca plate, Cocos plate, Caribbean, Nazca plate, Pacific plate, Scotia plate, South America plate, Antarctica plate, African plate, Arabian plate, Indian plate, Eurasian Plate, Philippine plate, Pacific plate, Indo-Australian plate