Creativity Advice Riddles
Lost in Translation
Correct that Grammar!
?? True or False ??
Sentence Creations

What am I?

I'm a phrase that means to be creative and think in new ways, not just what's in the square container.

think outside the box


How would you say this sentence in English?

El chico que lleva gafas es Antonio.

The boy who wears glasses is Antonio.


Find the error in the sentence and correct it.

They said me that I was pretty. :)

They TOLD me that I was pretty. :)


This is the correct meaning of all of these terms:

- reservation: This is required in order to stay in places like restaurants or hotels.

- boarding pass: The piece of paper that allows you to get on a plane.

- jet lag: Feeling tired because of the effects of taking a long plane journey through different time zones.

- sightseeing: The activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location.

- accommodation: Temporary lodgings and services that are provided by a place.

- itinerary: A detailed plan for an event or journey.



Fill in the gaps with verbs that make sense & are in the correct form.

If I had ______ during that time, I would have ______ a lot of bright clothes.

Multiple correct answers are possible.

You'll receive points if the verbs you used are in the past participle form and if they make sense in the sentence!


What is this called?

I'm when your mind wanders and creates beautiful scenes while you're awake.



How would you say this sentence in English?

Habré escrito el libro antes del año nuevo.

I’ll have written the book before the new year.


Find the error in the sentence and correct it.

If fire was never invented, night life culture wouldn't happen.

If fire was never invented, night life culture wouldn't HAVE HAPPENED.


Indirect speech is used to repeat what someone else has said [word for word].


DIRECT speech is used to repeat what someone else has said [word for word].


Write 4 sentences about effective ways to practice a language.

Read your sentences out loud!

If your sentences are well-constructed and relevant, you will receive full points!


When you've been sitting for too long, what should you do to give your legs a break?

stretch your legs

How would you say this sentence in English?

Probar la gastronomía local es una de las mejores maneras de conocer un lugar.

Trying the local cuisine is one of the best ways to get to know a place.


Find the error in the sentence and correct it.

Look around for that ball! It's coming right at your head!

Look OUT for that ball! It's coming right at your head!

- or -

WATCH OUT for that ball! It's coming right at your head!


The fastest way to become fluent in a language is to speak in the language once a week.


The fastest way to become fluent in a language is to speak in the language EVERY DAY.


Convert this direct quote into indirect speech:

"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

She told Toto that they're not in Kansas anymore.


What do we call this?

It's the constant hum in the background, like the sound of a fan or distant traffic.

white noise


How would you say this sentence in English?

Antonio, cuyas gafas son nuevas, es miope.

Antonio, whose glasses are new, is short-sighted.


Find the error in the sentence and correct it.

I love her! She always gives away such a great vibe.

I love her! She always gives OFF such a great vibe.


The future perfect tense is used to express the following:

- To indicate that an action will be completed by a specific point in the future.

- To emphasize the result of an action.


It's used to:

- Indicate that an action will be completed by a specific point in the future.

- Emphasize the completion of an action before another future action.

Write about an event in the 3rd conditional.

Read your sentence out loud!

You'll get points if the structure is correct and if the event you wrote about is hypothetical.


When things are a bit too serious, what can you do to make everyone feel happier?

lighten the mood


How would you say this in English? Which phrasal verb works best?

Me reía de ti porque te caíste.

I was LAUGHING AT you because you fell.

- or -

I was MAKING FUN OF you because you fell.


Find the error in the sentence and correct it.

The car, that cost over 20,000 dollars, was a present from his family.

The car, WHICH cost over 20,000 dollars, was a present from his family.

The relative pronoun "that" is only used in DEFINING relative clauses. This sentence is NON-DEFINING. 


The phrasal verb "put up with" means to tolerate or endure something unpleasant without complaining.



Write two sentences:

1. A sentence that supports over-tourism.

2. A sentence against over-tourism.

Read your sentences out loud!

If both sentences are well-constructed, you will receive full points!