The four initial letter for a child's plan
the person you contact for unresponsive family letters for exit
Amy Gilbertie or Lisa Ruderman
the five areas that are assessed
What are Adaptive, Social Emotional, Cognitive, Communication and Motor
Written Prior Notice, Exit COSF and update HELP
What forms needed at the Exit?
She likes exploring with Harvey the RV
Who is Heather
The sections that need to be signed on all IFSP's
section 6 and 7
the platform that is used to request PTO
What is GoCo
The sub area that is not assessed by B23
What is perceptual motor
They sign this at the end of a visit
what is Visit Note
She can say the alphabet backwards
Who is Maribeth?
parents sign this prior to all meetings and changes in service
Written Prior Notice
the person that signs off on your PTO time
who is your regional supervisor
A score of 2 on the three consecutive lowest numbered items administered
What is Basal
vision, nutrition, family resource tool
What forms need to be filled out during initial and annual evaluation
She would want her superpower to be Teleportation
Who is Jill?
you list all people you can consult/team with on this section
section 7
The person that you contact about hard copies of blank forms, tests, HELPS,Battelles
who is Lisa Ruderman or Regional Supervisor
A score of 0 on three consecutive highest numbered items administered
What is the ceiling
Positive Social/emotional skills, Acquisition and use of Knowledge and skills, and use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs
What are areas assessed on entry/exit COSF?
Honey mustard is her favorite condiment
Who is Katie Seeger?
The forms completed at an annual evaluation
Written prior notice, insurance data collection consent, authorization for program to release, consent to complete evaluation, parent rights, and completion of IFSP
our regional supervisor
Heather DeNegris
The domains do we separate out when we determine eligibility
What are fine and gross motor and Expressive and Receptive language
HELP, Carolina, ESDM and Battelle
What are the most common assessment tools we use?
She was interviewed by Pennsylvania Local News about Birth To Three
Who is Shannon?