Affixes (prefix/suffix)
Figurative Language
Main Idea/R.A.C.E

Which words (3) use the suffix "ist" correctly?

1. Scientist

2. Biologist

3. Cists

4. Archaeologist

Person Who:

Scientist, biologist, archaeologist


Which tone is appropraite for this paragraph?

The trees gnarled and twisted gave Michael the creeps. He had to travel this road to visit his friend, James, who was off himself. The black vulture's eye followed him as he took every step towards his friend's house. The clouds were covering the sun, and there was an unusual crispness to the air.

A) joyful and excited

B) mysterious and eery

C) confusing and troubling

D) sleepy and tiresome

B) mysterious and eery


What does the simile in this sentence suggest?

The teacher repeated the same thing everyday hoping that it would stick like glue. 

"Stuck like glue"

That the students would start remembering the information


What is the main idea of this paragraph (one sentence describing what the entire paragraph is about)?

The Greek word “deinos” means terrible, powerful, or wonderous.  Combine this with the Greek word “sauros,” which means lizard or reptile, and you might get “dinosaur,” which refers to huge creatures that roamed the earth millions of years ago.  The term “dinosauria” was coined by English paleontologist Richard Owen in 1842, which was meant to express the idea that dinosaurs were “terrible reptiles” or “fearfully great lizards.”  Over the years, “dinosauria” gradually became “dinosaur,” which is the word we use today to describe those giant beasts from the past.

A. This paragraph is about dinosaurs.

B. This paragraph is about the origin of the word "dinosaur".

C. This paragraph is about different Greek Words and what they all mean. 

B. This paragraph is about the origin of the word "dinosaur".


Which of these movies is the longest?

A) Scream 4

B) Titanic

C) Inside Out 2

D) Jurassic Park 3

B) Titanic- 3 hours and 15 minutes


Which sentence contains a prefix that means "one" or alone"?

A. The character's soliloquy on stage was enhanced by the single spot light.

B. The solar panel helped us save hundreds of dollars a month on our electric bill.

C. Much of the land on the farm was still unsold, no one was interested in buying it.

A. Soliloquy- when ONE person is on stage reciting information.


Static Character-> A character that doesn't change throughout the story

Dynamic Character-> A character that changes throughout the story. 

   Which character type is Charlie?

Charlie was extremely lazy and always chose the "easy way out". Instead of doing homework, he would plat videogames. Instead of studying, he would scroll through Tik Tok. He received a low score on both his science and math test the next day. His teachers and parents both warned him that getting failing grades in 9th grade would hold him back, but he didn't listen. When Charlie went to 9th grade, he didn't change his habits and ended up having to repeaet 9th grade. 

Static- he stayed the same and didn't change. 


What three types of figurative language are apparent in this poem?

Tired roses, sleeping in the garden
 Sweet as a honeysuckle
they remain unkept 

Endless pedals fall to the ground

Personifcaiton- tired roses sleeping

Simile- sweet as a honeysuckle

Hyperbole- endless pedals 


2 LOLLIPOPS for whoever chose this question!

    An assassination is the murder of a famous person, usually a celebrity or political figure.  Many famous assassinations have been attempted, but fewer have succeeded.  Here is a brief overview of some famous successful assassins. Lee Harvey Oswald was a former marine who allegedly killed president John F. Kennedy.  Ironically, Oswald was himself assassinated a few days later by Jack Ruby.  Mark David Chapman was a mentally deranged man who shot and killed John Lennon, lead singer of The Beatles.  But, perhaps the most notorious assassin of all is John Wilkes Booth, who killed President Abraham Lincoln while Lincoln attended the theatre.  

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A) This paragraph defines the word "assassination" and gives examples.

B) This paragraphs talks about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

C) This paragraph explains why famous people get assassinated.

A) This paragraph defined "assassination" and gives examples.


Try to match my secret word...(you have 3 hints)

1. I rhyme with breeze.

2. Doesn't sit well in the abdomen.

3. I use it to catch Jerry. 




Break apart the following word into word parts (prefix-root-suffix). Define each word part.


Un-- Define--d

(not) (to figure it out) (past tense)


What does the word "fissure" mean in the following sentence?

Suddenly, I heard a great booming noise, like distant thunder, and then a massive fissure appeared to the side of my feet. I stopped suddenly, too scared to move

A) A loud noise

B) A giant crack

C) A solid form of water

B) a giant crack



Give me an example of a sentence that contains ALLITERATION.

Sentence that has multiple words that start with the same letter. 


Complete the "R"  and "A" for this question.

How can service animals benefit people?

Service animals benefit people by ______________________________. (Answers will Vary)




X   25




Based on your knowledge of the affix "dys", what could the following word mean...


dys- not

fluent- smooth

Something that isn't smooth.



Which point of view is this paragraph told in?

Over dinner, my parents started discussing the upcomingpresidential election. “Why do you want to vote?” I asked.“Millions of people are voting. Your vote can’t make adifference.” Dad told me that every person who votes canmake a difference. He said that if you don’t vote, your voicecannot be heard. Mom spoke up and said that voting showsthat you care about your country and your community.Every person who is able should vote. “I guess you’re right,” I replied. “I can’t wait to vote once I turn 18!”

A. 1st person

B. 2nd Person

C. 3rd Person omniscient

D. 3rd Person limited

A. 1st person "my"


Give me an example of the following:

1. Personification

2. Hyperbole

Answers will Vary 


Which phrases indicate....

1. The "C" in R.A.C.E

2. The "E" in R.A.C.E

You should have two phrases on your board. 

1. The text says, "

2. This shows


Rank these teachers in order from YOUNGEST to OLDEST!

1. Mrs. Poole

2. Mr. Rizzo

3. Ms. Martin

4. Mrs. Cohoon

1. Ms. Martin

2. Mr. Rizzo

3. Mrs. Poole

4. Mrs. Cohoon



Draw me a picture of a rollar coaster that is DYSFUNCTIONAL.

Picture should show that it isn't working properly.


What theme is revealed in this short paragraph?

Theme- message or moral of a story

"In his sophomore year of high school, basketball legend Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play. The coach cut Jordan from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. The next year, Jordan made the varsity squad. He averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest players ever."

A) Don't judge a book by its cover.

B) Happiness is obtainable.

C) Courage can overcome fear.

D) Hardwork and perserverence pays off.

D) Hardwork and perserverance pays off


What does the following idiom mean?

"A blessing in disguise"

When my highschool sweetheart broke up with me, I thought it was the end of the world, but really, it was a blessing in disguise because I was able to meet my current husband shortly after. 

Something bad that ends up having a good result


In the animal kingsom, not all animals do well in groups. Some animals live solitary lives, choosing to avoid others of their kind for most of their life. This solitary behavior can be seen in species such as the snow leopard or the giant panda.

Answer the following question in R.A.C.E strategy.

What does the word solitary mean in this paragraph?

R: The word solitary mean....

A: lonely.

C: The text says, " choosing to avoid others". 

E: This proves that solitary means lonely. 


What had a head and tail but no legs?

A coin