What does multiculturalism mean?
There are diverse cultures welcome in Canada
What did the Indigenous group of 7 create?
Art, mostly paintings
What is Racism?
Treating people differently based on their race/ethnicity
Racism is a ____ factor
Which settler community created Canada's first synagogue in Montreal?
Jewish Immigrants
What does Bilingualism mean?
Education is offered in both English and French
Which person was the leader of the Haudenosaunee people?
The mother
What is a newcomer?
Someone who moves to a new country (aka an immigrant)
Family in another country is a ____ factor
These immigrants helped build the Canadian Pacific Railway
Chinese Immigrants
Who are the 3 founding nations?
Britain, France, Indigenous Peoples
When was the Indigenous Group of 7 Founded?
What is Displacement?
When the situation in a country forces someone to move away
Define Push Factor
A reason to move out of a country (bad things)
Why did so many Irish people move to Canada in the 1840s and 1850s?
The potato famine in Ireland was causing people to starve
Who were the Original Inhabitants of what is now Canada?
The Indigenous People
What was the goal of the Indigenous Group of 7
To support minority artists
What is emmigration?
Moving out of a country
Define Pull Factor
A reason to move into a new country (good things)
Who was involved in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham?
The French and the British
What is Parliamentary Democracy?
People have the right to vote for the party that runs the Federal and Provincial governments.
What did Indigenous People trade with the newcomers?
What is Asylum?
When a country offers immigrants safety because their country was unsafe
What are the four categories that the Canadian government has for individuals who apply to immigrate to Canada?
Economic Immigrants, Family Class, Humanitarian, Refugees
How were Black-Canadian Loyalists treated differently than white Loyalists in the 1770s?
Black Canadian Loyalists were treated badly. The received land with poor soil or no land at all while white Loyalists were given good land. The Black Canadian Loyalists were also the last to receive supplies and tools.