emotional changes
physical changes
social changes
health tips
coping strat

How might someone’s emotions change during puberty?

Their mood might change more frequently, quickly and randomly.


Why do teenagers experience pubic hair growing around the body?

puberty hormones come from the adrenal glands, a pair of glands that sit at the top of the kidneys. These hormones lead to the growth of pubic and underarm hair.


How can friendships change during puberty?

You might start making new friends as your interest starts to change or you might get in relationships and think about them romantically and it’s important that friendships don’t stop you from making new friends and to make sure you be yourself.


why is it important to do physical activities during your puberty with mood swings?

Physical activities during puberty with mood swings is important because it helps with muscles and it can help you with your moods during puberty.


how can talking with friends or family help you cope with your mood swings during puberty?

it would be good to talk to someone you trust like talking to your friends or family about the situation to help your emotions they help you cope with your problems.


 Why do teenagers start to get conscious about how their body looks?

young people identify the media, pressure from family and friends, comparisons with peers, and personal factors like low self-esteem, feelings of depression, and a need for control.


Why do teenagers start to have a change of voice?

your vocal cords grow longer and thicker. Also, your facial bones begin to grow. The nose, and the back of the throat grow bigger, creating more space in the face that gives your voice more room to echo. All of these factors cause your voice to get deeper.


 Why do teenagers start to have more independence?

 The decision making part of the brain is still learning its maturing.


what are some healthy tips to help you during puberty?

Some healthy tips that help you puberty is to stay hydrated maintain energy levels and keep your skin healthy.


 how Can keeping a journal be helpful with your emotions in mood swings?

Keeping a journal can be helpful by writing down all your moods during a period of time so you can tell or show people you trust to help you and give you advise to calm down your moods.


What are some healthy ways to manage the emotional changes that occur during puberty, such as mood swings or feeling more sensitive? Can you describe a strategy you've tried or would like to try to keep calm or express your feelings effectively?

.do something you love doing to get your mind off what you are thinking of and its good for your health.

. exercise you get your mind off about what you are thinking of and put on your exercise to be healthy.

. deep breathing can help you ground yourself and its healthy for your brain.

  • What are some ways to stay physically healthy during puberty, including managing changes like growth spurts, body odor, or acne? How can regular exercise, nutrition, and personal hygiene help you feel more confident in your body?

. healthy diet : to be healthy

. getting enough sleep. 

. getting vaccinated.


As friendships and relationships evolve during puberty, what are some strategies you can use to maintain positive relationships with friends, family, and peers? How can you handle situations where you feel peer pressure or conflict?

. talk about the value of honesty

. highlight good qualities in their peers

. help your teenager to bond with others over common interests.