The CBT triangle consists of ...
What is ... thoughts, emotions, and behaviors?
These are irrational or negative thought patterns that can cause people to perceive reality inaccurately.
What are cognitive distortions?
This is an exercise you can use to record, rationalize, and replace your thoughts in the moment.
What is a thought record?
This happens when you try to reject pain and discomfort instead of accept it as part of life.
(Think cactus)
What is suffering?
Creating distance from thoughts so you can observe them without being controlled by them.
What is defusion?
Thoughts can be ...
What is Rational or Irrational?
The following is an example of this cognitive distortion: "I will never be good enough."
What is black-and-white thinking?
Fill in the blanks:
I feel ______ when _______ happens.
I need ________.
Personalized answer.
Clarifying this helps you figure out how you want to live.
What are values?
Fusion with one's thoughts is like...
(Activities done in group)
What is .. holding your hands in front of your face, looking through your negative self judgements while trying to solve Where's Waldo?
Changing this can lead to changes in behavior
What is Thoughts or Feelings?
This cognitive distortion occurs when someone sees only the worst possible outcomes of a situation. This mindset can make it difficult for one to stay in the present, because they are so worried about any possible future events.
What is catastrophizing?
A statement used to express your feelings to others while remaining non-judgmental to reduce risk of defensiveness.
What are "I" statements?
This is the goal of ACT (the name of the therapy technique is a hint)
What is to be able to move towards values based action even when in pain?
This is something that you can say to distance yourself from a thought.
What is "I'm having the thought that..."?
These are involuntary negative perceptions of reality that occur habitually. They can be difficult to recognize because they are fleeting and cause negative emotions to occur.
What are Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)?
You identify with your shortcomings. Instead of saying "I made a mistake," you tell yourself, "I'm a jerk," or "a fool" or "a loser".
What is labeling?
The 3 R's
Record, Rationalize, and Replace
The following steps make up an acronym. 1. Label anxious thoughts. 2. Let go of control. 3. Accept and observe thoughts and feelings. 4. Mindfulness of the present moment. 5. Act accordingly.
What is the acronym?
What is LLAMA?
Techniques you can do in your head to distance yourself from a thought.
What is singing silly voices or picturing the thought on a computer screen?
What is Trigger, Automatic Thoughts, Emotions, Response?
These cognitive distortions are often the opposite of one another. One involves exaggerating a mistake or a negative quality about yourself, while the other involves you seeing your strengths and achievements as small and unimportant.
What are magnification and minimization?
These are questions you can ask yourself to help evaluate irrational thoughts/cognitive distortions.
What are Socratic questions?
These are ways people try to ignore their pain. They sometimes work, but often lead to poor outcomes.
Distractions, Opting-Out, Thinking Strategies, and Substances
Noticing the Self involves thinking about the following (3)...
What is who I am, who society wants me to be, and who I aspire to be?