Drug Class
Drug Action
Patient Teaching

Enoxaparin is a ____.  The nurse should assess these things before administration. 

What is low molecular weight heparin. Assess bleeding and bruising. 


Pentoxifylline does this and is used for. 

What is antihemorrhagolocic (decreasing viscosity), and increases RBC flexibility.  Can be used for PAD, particularly in patients with intermittent claudication and/or rest pain who are at risk of amputation. 


These are causes of secondary hypertension.  

What is renal artery stenosis, use of corticosteroids and birth control, pheochromocytoma, Cushing's disease, renal disease. Hypertension is a symptom, not the problem. 


Teach a patient this to prevent DVT

What is increase hydration, increase activity, do leg exercises when not ambulatory, stop smoking


If you notice pulsation in the upper abdomen you should___

What is NOT PALPATE!!!


minoxidil belongs to what class? What medications often need given with this class? 

What is a direct acting vasodilator.  They are often given with a BB to prevent reflex tachycardia


Blocks alpha adrenergic receptors


A pulmonary embolism is caused by this.  Symptoms include___.

What is a DVT embolizing and lodging in the pulmonary artery.  Symptoms include sudden shortness of breath, chest pain, anxiety, tachycardia, tachypnea, low SpO2, and dysrrhythmias. 


When educating a patient just diagnosed with hypertension, the nurse should teach these things. 

What is diet (low salt, low fat), increase activity - exercise 3-4 days per week at least 30 minutes, stop smoking, lose extra weight, take your meds as prescribed, and let your doctor know if you have side effects that are unmanageable.  Do not stop meds suddenly. 


These medications may not work well alone for an African American patient.  The patient may need this med with, or this medication instead of. 

What is:

Need a diuretic with ACE, ARB, BB, and Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Agonist

CCB are the most effective for African American patients


Bisoprolol belongs to this class and is considered a _____, meaning it works on____. 

What is a selective beta blocker, which works primarily on the heart, and is safe for patients with asthma, COPD, and DM. 



What is reversal of warfarin overdose

AKA vitamin K

Found in____


These things contribute to PAD. 

What is smoking, HTN, DM, HLD, age, and family history. 


Teach the patient with an AAA to do this. 

What is control HTN, have a CT or ultrasound every 6 months to monitor for growth.  Consider elective repair when over 5 cm. Report pain in the flank, back, abdomen as it may be signs of rupture. 


The lab monitored when a patient is on warfarin.

What is INR?

Therapeutic range?

Teaching when on warfarin? 


Diltiazem belongs to this class and lowers_____

What is calcium channel blocker and lowers HR and BP


Digoxin does this.  Assess these things prior to administration. 

What is:

Positive inotropic - increases contractility

Negative chromatrope - decreases HR

Negative dromotrope - decreases conduction speed

Assess apical HR, K+, and Digoxin levels prior to administration. 


When these 3 things happen, a patient may develop a DVT. 

What is stasis of hypercoagulable blood, along with vessel injury


These things are important for a patient with PAD to do to prevent complications. 

What is manage diabetes, stop smoking, control HTN and hyperlipidemia, daily foot care, stay warm but no heating pads.  Can do layers or warm the environment.  


These things are priority if you suspect an aneurysm is rupturing. 

What is control any HTN, monitor I&O, peripheral pulses, LOC.  Prepare for surgery STAT!!!


Apixaban belongs to this class.  The nurse should monitor______.

What is a factor Xa inhibitor.  There are no labs, but the nurse should assess for bleeding and bruising. 


Losartan does this, and the nurse should assess this prior to administration. 

What is block angiotensin II receptors, preventing vasoconstriction, and the release of aldosterone.  Assess blood pressure and K+ level prior to administration. 


These are causes of left sided heart failure.  Symptoms include___

What is systemic hypertension, MI, aortic/mitral valve problems? 

Crackles, dyspnea, frothy sputum


Explain MAWDS

What is:

Medication - know them, take them, as scheduled

Activity - be as active as possible, but know your limits

Weights - daily, notify if >2 lbs in a day, or 5 in a week

Diet - low sodium 2-3 G as prescribed, fluid restrict 2L 

Symptoms - symptoms, SOB, orthopnea, fatigue, increased swelling, activity intolerance


Following femoral-popliteal bypass surgery, the nurse should closely monitor these things and why. 

What is monitor blood pressure and peripheral pulses to maintain graft patency.