Literary Forms
Literary Elements
Literary Devices
Literary Devices
Keystone Knowledge

A _______________ is a literary form in which an author tells someone else's life story. 

Provide an example. 

Biography; Unbroken, Into the Wild, etc.


A significant player who is usually the star of the story. We know more about them than most if not all of the other characters. 

A. Dynamic Character

B. Static Character

C. Antagonist

D. Protagonist

D. Protagonist


______________ is a reference to someone, or something from literature, religion, history, and or popular culture. 



The lyrics "Boom, boom, boom / Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon" from "Firework" by Katy Perry is an example of _______________. 



On what day will you take the Keystone Literature Exam?

Thursday, May 16, 2024


This literary form is a long narrative poem about the deeds of gods and heroes. 

Provide an example.

Epic poem; the Odyssey


___________ is the term for a character that develops and grows during the course of the story.  

Then, provide an example. 

Dynamic; answers may vary.


 Identify the sentence with personification and explain your choice: 

A. The stars in the night sky are like diamonds.

B. The fire spread rapidly through the forest.

C. The moon smiled down on the earth.

D. He was as tall as a tree.

Answer choice 3 is correct because a non-human object is given human characteristics.


___________ is a comparison that uses "like" or "as."

Then, provide an example.

Simile; examples may vary.


On what day will you take the Biology Keystone?

Monday, May 13, 2024.


This literary form often includes monologues, soliloquies, and asides. 



____________ is a character that shows many different traits. 

Then, provide an example. 

Round character; examples may vary.


Provide an example of a symbol for Julius Caesar

Then, explain what the symbol represents.

Answers may vary, but could include the crown, daggers, Caesar's ghost, etc.


_____________ is language spoken between characters in a piece of literature. 



On what day will you take the Algebra Keystone?

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


This literary genre often includes a main character who experiences a downfall. 



_____________ is the part of the plot that introduces the setting, characters, and the basic situation; it is another word for the Hero's Journey Stages 1-3.



List and define the three types of irony.

verbal irony - when you say the opposite of what you mean

dramatic irony - when the audience knows something a character does not

situational irony - when there is incongruity between expectation and reality


The lyric "I'm travelling at the speed of light" from the song "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen is an example of _________________. 

Hyperbole; it is an exaggeration


How many Modules are in a Keystone Exam?



This literary form is a fictional tale that describes the actions of gods and heroes, or explains the causes of natural phenomena. 



The story's ___________ is its highest point of interest or suspense; Hero's Journey equivalent is the Transformation/Recognition Stage. 



Characters who are opposites are called ________.  

Then, provide an example from Unbroken.

Foils; answers may vary, but could include Louie/Pete, Louie/Mac, etc.


Provide an example of foreshadowing from Julius Caesar. 

Answers may vary, but could include:

- Beware the Ides of March

- Any omens


Module 1 of the Keystone Literature Exam is focused on _____________ works of literature, while Module 2 is focused on _____________ works of literature.

1. Fictional

2. Nonfictional


List all ten steps of the Classic Hero's Journey. 

1. Unusual Birth/Childhood; 2. Call to Adventure; 3. Crossing the Threshold; 4. Challenges or Trials; 5. Special Weapon; 6. Supernatural Helper/Mentor; 7. Abyss/Temptation; 8. The Transformation; 9. The Return Home; 10. The Mastery of Two Worlds


Which literary element/device is primarily associated with nonfiction works of literature?

A. the inclusion of a universal idea

B. the use of active verbs

C. the setting of a city

D. the use of statistics

Option D, “the use of statistics,” is the element that is more often characteristic only of nonfiction. Options A, B, and C could be found in both fiction and nonfiction.


Language that appeals to the five senses is _________.

Then, provide two types of the above term.  


Types of imagery include visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory.


_____________ is the Greek term for when a character demonstrates excessive pride or self-confidence. 

Then, provide an example of a character who demonstrates this. 

Hubris; answers may vary, but could include Odysseus, Caesar, etc.


You need to earn a _______________ or _______________ score on the Keystone in order to pass it. 

Proficient or Advanced


List all ten steps of the Tragic Hero's Journey.

1. Unusual Birth/Childhood; 2. Call to Adventure; 3. Crossing the Threshold; 4. Challenges or Trials; 5. Tragic Flaw; 6. Supernatural Harmer; 7. Abyss/Temptation; 8. Recognition; 9. Destruction; 10. Catharsis


______________ -person point of view is when the narrator tells the story from their own perspective. 

The only text we read this year that included ______________ -person point of view was ______________ .

Narrator tells the story from their own perspective; the Odyssey


Name and define the three rhetorical appeals. 

Ethos -- appeals to the speaker's/writer's credibility

Logos -- appeals to the audience's sense of logic

Pathos -- appeals to audience's emotions


Explain the difference between denotation and connotation

Denotation is a word's dictionary definition. 

Connotation is a word's emotional associations.


Name the two types of questions you will encounter on the Keystone Literature Exam.

Multiple-Choice and Constructed-Response questions