What fish became an important resource to the economy of New England?
What kind of land did the settlers find in Jamestown?
damp and swampy
What colony was Maine a part of?
New England
Define Invest
to put money into something
define banish
to force someone to leave
What did colonists use to light their houses?
candles and lamps
What cash crop brought money to Jamestown?
What colony was Georgia a part of?
Define Cash Crop
crops sold for money
a gathering where colonists held elections and voted on laws
Town Meeting
Why did Penn call his colony a holy experiment?
He wanted to start a colony where all Christians could live together peacefully.
Where did John White think the Roanoke settlers had gone?
What colony was Pennsylvania a part of?
a person who teaches his or her religion to others
Define Middle Passage
the voyage from Africa to the West Indies
What was Poor Richards Alamanac?
a popular book by Benjamin Franklin containing stories, jokes and sayings
They were unhappy with their governor, Peter Stuyvesant
What colony was North Carolina a part of?
a variety of people in a group
What did the Virginia Company sell to its investors?
Who settled in New France and what did they do?
young men who worked the fur and fishing trades
What colony was Massachusetts a part of?
New England
Define Backcountry
in back of where most colonists settled
Define Export
products shipped out of a country