How many Commandments do we have?
Why did God give us the Commandments?
We have 10.
They are laws that God gave us to be safe and live by his rules.
We think about the ways we have offended God or others and if we have obeyed the Ten Commandments. This is before you confess your sins.
True or False
Does God teach us to be loving and forgiving?True
What are the sacraments of Initiation? (3)
Baptism, Eucharist (First Communion) and Confirmation
How many days did it take God to make the world?
6 days and the last day he rested.
_____ helps us know what is right and wrong.
(hint: shoulders)
Does God forgive all sins at confession?
Yes, if you mean it by heart he does.
How many Gods do we have?
Reconciliation and Anointing of the sick
Think about the bingo
At church, what is the big candle called in front of the Altar?
The Pascual Candle
What kind of sins do we have (there are two different types.)
Which one is more serious and which one is less serious?
Venial & Mortal
Mortal is more serious and Venial is less serious
If you bully or say mean things to someone does their heart stay normal? How could you make this better?
No. (show with a paper)
You can make it better by confessing and be a better person with that person.
What is the Holy Trinity?
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
What are the sacraments of Service?
Matrimony and Holy orders
Think about the bingo!
Where do they keep the Body of Christ in the church?
The little house called Tarbenacle
In Confession/Reconciliation what prayers could father Xavier tell you to say?
Our father
Hail mary
Glory Be
True or False: The Act of Contrition is a prayer
How many Sacraments do we have?
What is the difference between Baptism and Confirmation?
In baptism your Godparents say yes to become a Catholic and in Confirmation you are the one who wants to be a Catholic.
Are we born with Original sin? (True or false)
Father putting his hand on top of your head or in the air after you confess what does it mean?
God's forgiveness.
Name the 7 sacraments
Baptism, Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Priesthood, Anointing or the sick
True or False
Men are the only ones that can become a priest?
In the First Communion we receive the ___ and ___ of Christ.
Body and blood