Voya Culture
Voya QA Trends

These are the dates for Voya's National Days of Service 2024

What are May 13th through 17th?


This animal sleeps an average of 22 hours a day, since its main diet of eucalyptus leaves takes a large amount of energy to digest

What is a koala?


This program must be visible on one of your screens during every call (and pinned to your toolbar)

What is Voice Authentication?


These jewels that are a girl's best friend are the birthstone for April

What are diamonds?


An old favorite: These are the names of Voya's two animal-money hybrid mascots

Who are Val & Vern?


This miniature flower-pollenating species are the only known birds that can also fly backwards

What is a hummingbird?


The Agent of Record can only process a withdrawal without the Participant on the line if the plan is this type of model

What is Prefilled Forms?


This war against the United States' "parent" country began on April 19, 1775

What is the Revolutionary War?


This Voya employee is the author of the current Rough Draft blog entry titled "We Don't Talk About Money"

Who is Tani Siano?


This aquatic species is the only one on Earth where the male carries the babies during pregnancy rather than the female

What is a seahorse?


These two pieces of information are needed for LDOA to have a Third Party on a call

What are Full Name & Relationship?


April was originally this number month; it was only moved to the fourth month after the later Romans decided to start with January

What is the second month?


This "Puppy with a Purpose" was raised for a year by Voya's John Albanese to become a service dog for a veteran or first responder 

Who is Cooper?


The national "animal" of this country is the unicorn

What is Scotland?


Even if Agent has DOA/POA on a participant's account, these three pieces of info are still needed in order to process trades

What are the ppt's full name, date of birth, and address on file?


Actress Emma Watson shares an April 15th birthday with this famous artist & architect, although they are 538 years apart

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


This is the name of a Voya database program, a Third Party Administrator, and one of Andrew's local childhood collectibles shops

What is OMNI???


This named animal was a soldier of the Polish Land Forces during WWII, and was even promoted to the rank of corporal

Who is Wojtek (pronounced "Voy-tek") the Syrian Brown Bear?


After reading a summary of the Special Tax Notice, this question needs to be asked as the final confirmation that the Participant wants to proceed with their withdrawal

What is "Now that you understand this information, you have the right to wait 30 days before we process this transaction.  Would you like to move forward with this transaction now and not wait until the 30-day notice period ends?"


The famously misquoted "Houston, we've had a problem here" line was uttered by an Apollo 13 crew member on this date in 1970

What is April 11th?