Mental Health

These major life events may trigger (reactive) depression.

What is chronic stress, major loss or change, death of a loved one, substance abuse, victim of abuse/trauma, etc.?


True or False: Phobias do not affect everyday life. 

What is false? 


What did the math book say to the other math book?

Boy, do I have problems!


True or False: Poor mental health increases the risk for long-lasting (chronic) physical conditions like heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

What is true?


This mental illness consists of periods of extreme sadness as well as times of extreme energy and happiness.

What is bipolar disorder? 


This disorder consists of unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings and may involve symptoms such as excessive washing or cleaning, repeated checking, extreme hoarding, aversion to particular numbers, etc.

What is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?


What is brown and has a head and a tail, but no legs?

A penny


Suicide is the ___ leading cause of death among people ages 15-24 in the United States. 

What is the third?


This percentage of people diagnosed with depression are treated effectively and return to their daily lives.

What is 80-90%?


This period of intense fear or apprehension is of sudden onset and relatively brief duration and often includes symptoms such as sweating, tingling sensations, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, etc.

What is a panic attack?


What has 13 hearts, but no brain or blood?

A deck of cards


This type of therapy helps people learn how to identify and change negative thought patterns and is effective in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and various other disorders. 

What is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)? 


Depression is caused by an imbalance of this in the brain. 

What is neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine)?


There are five different major types of anxiety disorders--name three. 

What is generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social phobia or social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? 


What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and has a mouth but never eats?

A river


Name three causes of mental illness. 

What is genetics, brain chemistry, environment, childhood trauma, stressful events, unhealthy habits, drug and alcohol use, etc?


Symptoms have to last this long for a person to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder. 

What is two weeks?


This is the difference between an anxiety and panic attack. 

What is cause and duration? 


What goes up but never comes down?

Your age


This book of symptoms and criteria for mental illnesses published by the American Psychiatric Association is used by mental health professionals to diagnose mental disorders. 

What is the DSM-5?