Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

Allies are most like?



What is the best meaning for the word "subdue" as it is used in the passage? 

hold back


There is enough information in the text to suggest that Houdini was offended by the practice of spiritualism

True or False. 

Bonus point if you can explain why. 



Determine whether this is a fact or an opinion

Houdini was the most brilliant magician the world had ever seen. 

Bonus points for explaining why. 



The words "at odds" mean

in conflict with


What is this passage mostly about?

The lives of two famous men, and how they eventually went from being friends to opponents. 


Conan Doyle was not an especially successful writer unit he....

had his Sherlock Holmes short stories published in Strand Magazine. 


What was Houdini first known as?

Handcuff Harry


Houdini was able to debunk spiritualists more easily than some scientists because...

he was a skilled illusionist himself and recognised many of the tricks they used. 


Predict what would have happened if Houdini had staged a seance for Conan Doyle himself. 

Doyle would believe that the seance was real, and refuse to believe Houdini's explanations of how he achieved the effects. 


Where was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle born?



Define the word sequel.

a published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one.


Explain the term household names

a person or thing whose name is very well-known


Define spiritualism

Believing in the ability to communicate with those that have passed on. 


WHat was Harry Houdini's real name?

Erik Weisz


What is the main purpose of the introduction to the passage? 

to introduce readers to a story they may not know about two people they probably haven't heard of.


Summarise the passage in less than 30 words...

Points awarded for the most detailed and succinct summary of this passage that conveys the main idea and purpose of the passage. 

Teacher Judgement here....:)


Provide one or more benefits for "Rational Thinking"

The rational approach to decisions is based on scientifically obtained data that allow informed decision-making, reducing the chances of errors, distortions, assumptions, guesswork, subjectivity, and all major causes for poor or inequitable judgments. Such an information and knowledge based approach promotes consistent and high quality decisions, and reduces the risk and uncertainties associated with decisions.

The rational method infuses the decision-making process with discipline, consistency, and logic. It is a step-by-step approach that requires defining problem, identifying the weighing and decision criteria, listing out the various alternatives, deliberating the present and future consequences of each alternative, and rating each alternative on each criterion. Such a sequential approach allows the decision maker to arrive at the optimal decision.

The methodology caters to addressing complex issues by breaking it down into simple steps, and considering all aspects of the problem with all possible solutions before making a final decision.


Harry Houdini achieved some "firsts" while visiting Australia, what were these? 

Aeroplane Flights. 


why did Harry Houdini dislike spiritualists?

He resented them using tricks to con grieving people.