Code Pink
Code 44
Code Red
Code Blue
Bomb Threat


Without further verification, What will ECC personnel  provide the following by radio broadcast:                       





What is: Physical description of the patient                       Physical description of the abductor (if known)    Direction travel and other information (if Known)                  




What is a Code 44 

What is: 

                                                                               What is a  illness and/or injury experienced by a visitor or employee that occurs on Medical Center property, Winston-Salem campus.                      




What is RACE stand for?

What is: Rescue, Alert, Contain, Evacuate 


                                                                                Upon notification of a Code Blue event, Emergency Communications Center (ECC) personnel will notify of the Code Blue event by what?                



What is building, floor and room location.                


Who usually takes the information regarding a bomb threat.

Who is ECC.


                                                                                When confirmation of an abduction has been made,Emergency Communications will do What?                      





What is:Notify law enforcement and make administrative notifications defined by checklists to include both Security Administration and Risk Management.     

ActivateMIR-3 alerts to all registered persons.

Activate designated door controls to minimize egress from campus facilities                                            

Conduct overhead announcements for all areas advising of the abduction, abductor’s description, and juvenile description with a request that potential witnesses immediately notify the ECC at -69111.







What is an AED?

                                                                                    What is an automated external defibrillator.  (AED)                 




What does PASS stand for? 

What is: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep



Security personnel will stand by until the transfer is complete and released by Who?



Who is: A Code Blue Team Member


What are some of the main goals for a security officer during a bomb threat? Name One...

What is:                                                                 To help prevent panic, personnel will avoid public interception of communication concerning the event.                                                                                      Providing assurance. Be positive and decisive. Reassure others by giving concise information and instructions calmly.

 Eliminating unrest. Dispel rumors. Notify your supervisor of any person who is releasing information about the bomb threat without authorization                                







If an abduction is confirmed, what does the zone officer assigned to that zone do?

What is: Report to the room and stand guard, write down anyone who enters the room and purpose.


                                                                           What can Security Officers, who are not Code 44 Team members, do to assist. (Name at least 3 things)                  





What is: Bring Stretcher to location                        

Carrying CODE 44 Bag, Scoop Stretcher, or AED.

 Assisting with lifting.                   

Crowd control.






How do you evacuate personnel to exit points.

What is:                                                                     horizontally (to the nearest exit) and vertically (to the structure’s closest exit point).                  




Who is responsible for cleaning and restocking the defibrillator before transferring it to Security personnel for return to the ECC.



Who is:The Code Blue Team / Nursing staff




Who do you notify if a person is releasing information about the bomb threat without authorization?                              



Who is: The On-Duty Security Supervisor



Who will secure the patient's belongings and medical records, treating them as evidence until they are deemed otherwise. The patient’s room and belongings should be secured as found without further handling and/or access until deemed of no value or released to law enforcement.



Who is the Security Supervisor


When the call is completed, what must be done?

                                                                          What is: Personnel will re-stock all used equipment, place clean bed coverings on the stretcher and return the stretcher to its original location.                  




What are Fire Compartments?

What are:                                                          (area between two fire doors) should be maintained by keeping doors closed during an event unless otherwise directed by fire command.            





Once returned to the ECC, the defibrillator will be plugged into What?



What is:Emergency Power Outlet (red receptacle)




 Any calls from the press will be referred to Who?                         



What is: the Office of Communications, Marketing and Media.                                                                       Remember
Do not release information about the bomb threat to the public. The Office of Communications Marketing & Media department will release authorized statements to journalists and the public in consultation with state/local officials with jurisdiction.







                                                                                 A Child Abduction response may also be initiated from WHAT Infant Protection System in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).                    



What is HUGS 


What is the distance within medical center property per EMTALA guidelines are we require to render aid?

What is within 200 feet.


Who should take the Fire Department to the location?

Who is: An Officer assigned to Main North or External Zone where the alarm is in alarm. (I.E. NRC bldg. Zone 4 Officer.)


Where are the 3 locations of the Zoll Defibrillators? 

What is: ECC, 5 Cancer Center Hallway Closet, and Ground Sticht Center.


What are at least 4 things that make a package suspicious?

What is:                                         

  •  no return address, the return address is different from the location where mailed (post marked), or mailed from an unusual or unknown location. Incorrect spelling, address is poorly typed; address has an incorrect title or uses only your title and no name.
                                                                            restrictive markings such as “Confidential” or “Personal”                                              excessive postage  
  •   an unusual odor                     
  •   oily stains on the package, or protruding wires, string, or tin foil.
  •  unusual size, shape, weight, or balance of weight in the package. The envelope   or package is rigid or the contents are lopsided or uneven.              
  •  excessive string or tape to secure the package.