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Who is Chris Kelly
What is the year Ebby Halliday REALTORS was established?
This program allows your clients to get most of the home financing process out of the way so they can get a commitment letter before they even begin searching for a home.
What is The Buyer Advantage Program?
These 2 things are prorated through the closing date.
What are Taxes & HOA dues?
This out-of-pocket expense is deducted from what your insurance company will pay for your repairs when you file a claim.
What is a deductible?
Housing prices are NOT a part of this, but lease prices are.
What is, inflation
December 31, 2023
What is the day the majority of our established brokerage forms will be retired from Zipform?
A seller can pay a lump sum amount at closing on the buyer's behalf in order to lower the buyer's monthly mortgage payments for a period of 2 years.
What is a temporary buydown?
Provides a statement of facts of the family history, marital status &/or identity of a decedent's heirs
What is an Affidavit of Heirship?
A covering on top of your home that will make your insurance premium high if it’s old is called a…..
What is a roof?
Words are free, but can cost a lot. Name one the 3 words Ryan Avery suggests we delete from our vocabulary.
What are:
Just "I'm just calling to check in..."
Think "I think I love you..."
Sorry "Sorry I'm late..."
June 1997
What is when the Ebby Halliday McKinney office was opened?
This allows your clients the ability to buy now and sell later by accessing the equity in their current home before actually selling that home.
What is a Bridge Loan?
What is Remote Online Notary?
This type of insurance agent has the ability to quote with multiple insurance companies as opposed to just one.
What is an independent agent? (Insurance Broker is also acceptable)
Make the health of this a priority
What is, database
January 31, 2024
What is the day our extended free service to Showingtime expires?
An arrangement with your lender or loan servicer to apply a large amount of cash toward your principal to reduce your monthly payment?
What is a Mortgage Recast?
Coverage against discrepancies, conflicts, boundary line issues, encroachments, protrusions & overlapping improvements.
What is Survey Coverage?
Filing these on your insurance policy too often will make your rate go up.
What is a claim?
12.3 Years
What is, the amount of time a typical homeowner stays in home
October 17, 2023
What is the date for, The Digital Edge:AI-Powered Marketing for REALTORS at UNT Frisco Campus?
Client can sign all eligible docs electronically prior to closing, which leaves the client with a limited amount of paperwork to sign at the closing appointment.
What is a Rapid Close?
An owner's protection against the loss if problems or 'hidden hazards' result in a claim against their ownership?
What is Title Insurance?
The cost of homeowner's insurance for this type of home can be a huge savings, up to $350 per month.
What is new construction?