video games

A plumber and his brother go on the risky task of finding a turtle and killing him to save his girlfriend

What is Super Mario Brothers.


A child loses there parents and becomes a millionare while fighting crime, and has their own cave, a sidekick, and has a very crazy villain.

What is the Batman


Just your average neighbourhood spider

Who is spiderman


A boy loses his entire family except his sister who turns into a certain kind of monster, hunts down the same kind of creature his sister is who killed his family, while searching for the cure.

What is demon slayer.


A flight passenger who crashes down on the ground outside of LA, fights zombies, gets bitten, and learns the disturbing truth about the virus.

What is Dead Island 2


A alien whose planet blew up and gets his powers from the sun.

Who is Supeman.


An all powerful god who has a signature weapon and has 2 siblings works for a certain group(technically 2 groups).

who is Thor


A boy whose parents were killed by a giant animal, is neglected by every person in his village, then he bears the giant animal inside him, and uses his power to kill other people trying to take the beast away from him.

What is Naruto.


An outlaw who has lost his father and has become part of a gang after a troubling past of sadness and sorrow, realizes that he can change, and saves his friends before passing away on a mountain under the beautiful sunset.

What is Red dead Redemption 2.


A man who can run at lightning speed and can move faster than the speed of sound.

What is the flash?


A very serious man who is very short in the comics yet very tall in the movies, this man is named after a certain animal.

Who is the Wolverine


A child loses there sibling from falling off a mountain, and finds out that he or her mother is still alive, so they venture greece to find her with help along the way.

What is Assassins creed Odyssey


A woman made of clay who breaks out and uses a certain golden weapon.

Who is Wonder Woman


A crazy killer(who is in the new marvel rivals game), has crescent blades for weapons, cannot be copied by taskmaster.

Who is Moon knight.


4 bank robbers who cook meth and steal nukes and 1 other guy who made the music and voices one of the enemy's in the game there from

what is Payday


A man with the love for the sea goes on and uses it as his power.

what is Aquaman.


A very funny man in and out of acting plays a person in the DC universe as well, and has a great healing factor, and turns into a god of some sorts in a movie that's not theirs. Also, they have a deep friendship with another marvel character, and wants to become an avenger

Who is dead pool.