What was the name of the main villian?
Who were Lee and Carter looking for when they went to the massage parlor?
Ricky Tan
When was Craig's day off?
What does Vivian have holding up her boot?
Safety Pin
What is the answer Westley always gives to Buttercup when she orders him around?
As You Wish
Chris Tucker's cousin had on a red pin-striped suit. Who bought it for him?
Chris Tucker's mama
According to Carter, how many inches taller is Snoopy than Lee?
6 inches
What is Debbie's friend's name (the friend who wanted to hook up with Smokey)?
Who does Edward's girlfriend say she speaks to more than him?
His secretary
What word does the head pirate say all the time?
Whose father was a police officer, Carter's or Lee's?
Massage Parlor Hostess: "Follow her to the _______ Room." James Carter: "Ain't gonna be no ________ room no more." What's the name of the room?
How much does Craig want to borrow from his mother?
How much was the necklace worth that Vivian wore to the opera?
What reason does Westley give for wearing a mask?
They're Terribly Comfortable
What was the one thing that Chris Tucker didn't want?
A partner
What color was the smoke from the fake money?
What is the name of the drug dealer that drives the ice cream truck?
Big Worm
What was the name of the hotel where Edward stayed?
Regent Beverly Wilshire
What is the first thing Buttercup tells Westley to do?
Polish Her Horse’s Saddle
What was the very first thing Carter said when he saw Lee?
"Please tell me you speak English."
What was the name of the casino/hotel in which the final fight scenes took place?
Red Dragon
Why does Craig get fired from his job?
He was seen stealing boxes.
What was Vivian's reply when asked what her name was?
What do you want it to be?
Who heals Westley’s wounds in the Pit of Despair?
The Albino