Most people say if you are carrying high or low you are having a boy?
What is LOW.
What is mom's favorite late night dinner order?
What is PIZZA
What month is baby aiming to be born?
What is the largest baby?
What is the average age boys move out of the house?
What is 26 years old!
What is Mom's favorite book genre?
How many bones are babies born with?
What is 300!
What mammal has the most babies in its lifetime?
What is a Rabbit! An average of 360 babies.
Average weight of a newborn baby boy?
What is 7lbs 6 oz.
Where did mom go to college?
What is Texas A&M
What color do babies see first?
What is the color Red
Which mammal nurses its babies the longest?
What is an Orangutans! 8 years
What percent of babies born in the United States are male?
What is 51%.
What kind of nurse is Mom?
What is a NICU NURSE!
Which body parts are babies born without?
What are kneecaps.
Which mammal lays eggs?
What is the average age of marriage for boys in the U.S?
What is 30s!
Is Mom taller than 5 foot 5 inches?
What is NOPE!
How far away can newborns see?
What is 8-12 inches!
What mammal has the longest gestation?
What is the African Elephant! 22 months.