Baby TV Shows
Parenting Myths
How Old is That Baby?
Shut That Baby Up!
I Wish We Had This!

This TV show is draining to the human soul and involves songs about a predatory fish.

What is Cocomelon & "Baby Shark"


True or false: Babies who sleep more during the day will sleep better at night.

True. Your baby's day sleep and night sleep are intrinsically linked. The first 12 hours of your baby’s day, directly affects the next 12 hours (the night). 


"She's just started to discover her hands and feet."

What is 3-4 Months Old


This thing is probably the oldest piece of furniture known to man. Today it would be called the momaroo.

What is a rocking chair.


Lets your independent tot feed themselves while the baby gadget stays stationary & prevent bottles from flying around the house.

What is a baby bottle holder.


This TV show involves a kindergarten teacher who shows toddlers how to communicate through sign language.

Who is Miss Rachel


According to an old wives' tale, what's the secret to getting a baby to stop crying immediately?

Sing or talk to your baby. 

Offer the baby a pacifier. 

Take the baby for a ride in a stroller. 

Hold your baby close against your body and take calm, slow breaths.


"He's babbling and exploring everything around him."

What is 6-7 Months old.


This thing is a lifesaver but a hard habit to break. It is also known as a "Chuppy"

What is a pacifier.

Simply aim at baby's forehead from an inch away and hit the button — and the battery lasts forever.

What is a no-touch baby thermometer.

This TV show has been around for as long as you can remember. Each country has their own version of the same show. 

What is Sesame Street


Myth or fact: You should always wake a sleeping baby to feed them on schedule.

Fact. Frequent feedings early on are important because crying is actually a late sign of hunger. 


"He's cruising around furniture and trying to walk."

What is 10-12 months old.


A device that produces soothing sounds to help mask other noises and create a calming environment for the baby.

What is a white noise machine.


A good way to make sure baby's bath water isn't too hot.

What is a floating rubber duckie temperature gage. 


This TV show is about dogs and created in only the colors dogs can see. It is only available on Disney Plus.

What is Bluey.


MYTH or Fact: Some babies don’t like being swaddled.

FACT: The swaddle helps to suppress their startle reflex. Some babies can struggle or cry when being swaddled though and parents assume this means their baby doesn’t like being swaddled. Usually though, it is because the baby is already overtired, the swaddle is the wrong type for them (some prefer arms up, others arms down), or it’s too big.


"He's grabbing and exploring objects with more purpose."

What is 5-7 months old


These things mimic the feeling of being in the womb, providing comfort and security.

What are swaddle blankets.


This thing of beauty saves money, time, and space by being the perfect transformer. 

What is an Infant Car Seat and Stroller Combo.


This TV show is on YouTube Kids and involves a girl who teaches through rap music.

What is Gracie's Corner.


Myth of Fact: Sleeping babies need complete quiet.

Myth: The womb is loud 24 hours a day! So, a quiet, still room is actually a sensory desert to your baby. 


Me: "How old is your baby?" Stranger: "22 Months?" Me:"??? HUH"

The baby is 1 year and 10 months old or 1.75.


Allows parents to hold their baby close while keeping their hands free.

What is a baby carrier or wrap.


No walls to clean, no linens to wash, just a random sheet of paper with lines all over it.

What is mess free coloring kits.