Benefits of Breastfeeding
Skin to Skin
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What are some benefits of breastfeeding for Mom?

1. Decreased risk of diabetes

2. Decreased risk of female cancers

3. Decreased blood loss after delivery

4. Decrease in PPD


How long should a newborn remain skin to skin immediately after delivery?

As long as the mom wishes or until after the first breastfeeding session


Why should pacifiers be avoided?

They make it difficult for the baby to latch

Interferes with cue based feeding


Should everyone be forced to breastfeed?

NO! Everyone should have evidence-based information to make an informed choice


Place to breastfeed privately, if desired 

A1-26G across from auditorium

Peds Clinic: Breastfeeding Nook

Womens Health Clinic: Room 1021

WIC: 8106 Baxter 


What are benefits of breastfeeding for the baby?

1. Decreased risk of certain illness such as ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory infections

2. Decreased risk of obesity 

3. Decreased risk of cancers like leukemia 

4. Increased Bonding

5. Increased Immunity

6. Decreased risk of diabetes


What are 2 benefits of skin to skin for the mother

What is decreased blood loss and increased bonding


Why is it important that all pregnant women receive information about breastfeeding?

To make an informed choice


Is a mother reportable to DCFS if she formula feeds?



What is the risk of offering supplement to a breastfed baby?

1. Decreases mom's confidence in breastfeeding

2. Makes it more difficult for baby to go back to breast

3. Can interfere with mom establishing and maintaining an adequate milk supply


What are 3 benefits of skin to skin for the newborn

1. Bonding

2. Temperature and blood sugar stabilization

3. Regulation of breathing and heart rate

3. Less weight loss

4. Longer duration of breastfeeding


What resources are available to help our breastfeeding moms?

1. nursing staff at the hospital 24-7 365

2. Vanessa Mondays and Thursdays 7-3

3. LaLeche League in Dixon

4. Kelly Mom


True or False... If a mother has small breasts, flat nipples, or didn't make enough milk with her previous baby, she will not be able to breastfeed?



How does rooming-in affect breastfeeding?

1. It helps mom recognize feeding cues sooner.

2. It helps mom become more confident handling her baby

3. It will help mom's milk supply come in sooner and will usually have more milk


When should skin to skin be initiated in the postpartum period?

Immediately or when mom and baby are responsive, stable, and alert


Where can breast pumps be obtained and does everyone need one?

1. Call their insurance company

2. WIC

3. Giannas House

- Not everyone needs a breastpump. It is not a necessary tool to breastfeed.


True or False.... An office nurse needs to know everything about breastfeeding in order to educate mothers
