Distance a baby can see when first born
What is 12 inches or a foot?
Babies are not allowed this food before turning 1 year old.
What is honey? (Botulism risk)
Baby sheep
What is a lamb?
This elderly agricultural man is famous for his many vocal animals
Who is Old McDonald?
What musical group had the hit “Ice Ice Baby?”
Who is Vanilla Ice?
The number of diapers does the "average" baby go thru in the first week
What is 70?
Before this age, a baby's primary food is breastmilk or formula.
What is one year old?
A Baby Goose
Described as being "short and stout," this little device "shouts" when warmed?
What female singer had the hit song “Always be my baby” in the 90s?
Who is Mariah Carey?
In the 1900s, what color was most associated with boys?
What is pink?
This baby food company was started in Michigan in 1927 after the founder's needed to find a commercially-available baby food for his daughter.
What is Gerber?
Baby Shark
What is a pup?
Who is Mary?
This singer topped the charts with the lyrics of this round's theme
Who is Justin Bieber?
This percentage of babies arrive on their due date
When mom is 34 weeks pregnant, baby is about the same size as this fruit.
What is Cantaloupe?
Baby elephant
The rain washed the itsy bitsy spider from this
What is a waterspout?
The number of views the main "baby shark" song has on Youtube.
What is 15 billion?
At what week in the womb does a baby begin to sense touch?
A newborn's stomach is the size of this fruit
Baby Puffin
What is Puffling?
This is the number of bags of wool the black sheep has.
3 bags
The Supremes had this top rated hit in the mid 1960s that set a record of sorts for the group. Which 'baby' song is this?
What is "baby love"?