Babies in Film
Famous Babies
Baby Language
Baby Music
TV Babies

In this 1994 comedy, a baby escapes kidnapping and goes on adventures in Chicago, such as crawling through a construction site.

What is Baby's Day Out?


This mythological god takes the form of a flying, arrow-shooting baby.

Who is Cupid?


This idiom means extremely smooth and soft

What is "smooth as a baby's bottom"?


This was Brittney Spear's first single and break out hit.

What is "Baby One More Time"?

In most episodes of the animated series Family Guy, this baby can only be understood by his dog and brother. 

Who is Stewie Griffin?


Kirstie Alley and John Travolta starred in this movie series in which the viewer could hear the babies' inner monologue.

What is Look Who's Talking?


This name is shared by a candy bar and one of America's most famous baseball players.

What is Babe Ruth?


This idiom means that stealing, taking something or tricking someone was easy

What is "Like taking candy from a baby"?


This hit song by Justin Bieber is one of the US top selling singles of all time.

What is "Baby"?


Commonly known as "Baby Yoda", this is this Mandalorian character's real name.

Who is Grogu?


In a hilarious scene from this Will Ferrell comedy, Ferrell's character insists on praying to Baby Jesus

What is Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby


In Biblical times, you may have seen this baby floating down the River Nile in a basket.

Who is Moses?


This idiom means to inadvertantely discard something of value.

What is "throw the baby out with the bathwater"?


Peter Frampton loves someone's way in this hit song.

What is "Baby, I Love Your Way"?


Smart and resourceful, this Simpsons family member shot Mr. Burns in season 6.

Who is Maggie Simpson?


In this 1968 horror film starring Mia Farrow, Farrow's character learns that her neighbors are plotting to use her baby in satanic rituals

What is Rosemary's Baby?


This 1 minute video showed an act of violence between toddlers, and in 2007 became the most watched video on Youtube.

What is "Charlie bit me"?


This term refers to Americans who were born in the years following WWII

What is "baby boomers"?


Sir Mix A Lot declared he could not lie about his love of certain anatomy in his hit song of this title.

What is "Baby Got Back"?


This famous toddler from the sitcom Full House was played by 2 identical twins

Who is Michelle Tanner?


Tom Selleck, Ted Danson and Steve Guttenberg had to figure out how to change diapers as bachelors in this 1987 comedy

What is 3 Men and a Baby?


This baby was dangerously dangled over a balcony by their famous dad who also had an album called Dangerous

Who is Prince Michael 'Blanket' Jackson the 2nd?


This candy was first manufactured in England in the 19th century

What are Jelly Babies?


Vanilla Ice was sued by Queen over this song stealing the bass-line from "Under Pressure".

What is "Ice Ice Baby"?


This classic Nickelodeon animated series told the story of 1-yr old Tommy Pickles and his group of playmates 

What is Rugrats?